The Press and Standard from Walterboro, South Carolina (2024)

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The Press and Standardi

Walterboro, South Carolina

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-L 5 asieiess Liffli Tonic 50c- Mow to Enter a Newspaper Office Frcm tbe Kingman (Kan) Leader-Courier Advance to the inner door an'l gn three distinct raps The i-I attend your alarm You give bim your name postaffice address and the number of years that you area ng for the paper He will then admit you You will advancs to the center of the room address the editor with the following countersign: Extend the right hand about two feet from the body with the thumb and index finger clasping a $10 bill which drovs into the extended hand cf the editor at the same time saying yon looking for The edttor will say After giving him the news you will be obliged to retire with a receipt for the obligation properly discharged The Breath st Life County Telephone Co Long Distance Connection to all parts of the UNITED STATES Following are the names of the subscribers to the above Company: jprofessJnal Joticos HIOTT Attorney at Law AMD HEAL ESTATE AGEMT Office next door to WALTERBORO 1 GRUBER Attorneys at Law Ve represent the American Surety Company of New York and are prepared to famish bonds for guardians administrators executors or others holding offices of trust I Walterboro 8 aow io xeep JN0- iroT mbifoy brothers Attorneys and Counsellors at Law I All Eneiseei given Prompt Attention OVER the 1-RESS AND STANDARD WALTLISUOItO the strong- Powerful lungs thousands of of Port to do this of Dr my cough of 0 what my Dr Ackerman Blanchard Mrs A Black Bryan Brown Fur Co Beach Bros Black Jr Bank Dr Acker-TT manbas Howell Gruber Howell Hubster Henderson House Mrs Hyrne Walterboro A Sanders Smoak Rev Daniels Taylor Tracy Mrs Wichman A Wichman A Westerberg sell Mrs Witsell It a a significant fact that of I1 he mA0JLMrffe8 lun8- BIack Ackennan- CGHendeS Brown Jones res Mrs Padgett J1? Williams Colleton Bkg Co AT rfn Walker Co bus res Mrs Butler HENDERSONVILLE LINE Allison Herndon Hill Boynton Speights Boynton Willis Guess A Wichman Co John Klein Rivers i es Chaplin Ackerman Capers McLeod tT 1 CT Cummings I Clerk of Court Jones Jackson ACL Depot JOHN HI Beal Estate Brokerage and Insurance 1 LOANS NEGOTIATED Housfezato Hent Opposite tbe Market WALTERBOHO 8 A Marvin Dr A Wal Dispensary Dr Jno Edwards Wal Hotel Wal Infirmary Fishburne Mrs Fraser A Frances Ashton Dots We are in the midst of this fasi living age As Father Time-ptrikfs of! the days months and years we barely take notice and realize that we are last becoming the older citizers of this conntry with all their reepon-sibilties and an unprepared for eternity staring ns in the face Still we drop off leaf by leaf while new ones are taking the depu ted places all striving to accummnlate a fortune The golden rod tells us that the i harvest is here Cotton and hay crops are being harvested rapidly Car loads of lumber leave our city constantly The merchants are kept busy such is the business side of life at Ashton 0 Jones is adding considerably to his building making it twice as large as heretofore Messrs Jones and Berry have given in bills for residences to be built in the near future DrE 1 Carter is adding bam stables to his lot Stephen Bunton is making some improvements on his place by wav of buildings We are not without sickness nothing serious but oh the fevers are a weariness The social features are visiting and croquet parties ieses Eula Coleen and Effie Jones spent a few days of last week with MifSds Izora and Viola Aliley of Crockeville Miss Ids Bonds spent some time with Miss Irene Jones last week Claude Seoise is spending a few weeks at his aunts near Ruffin Alias Effie Jones left Monday for Atlanta Ga where she goes in the interest of her millinery business She will be there a few weeks getting the benefit of the work room and coming in contact with the latest styles Miss Effie is thoroughly interested in her businesa and trust the people will appreciate her effort sufficiently to keep her in our town so that hat buying will not be so burdensome as heretofore going from fifteen to thirty miles now we can get satifoctory ones at our homes Mias Ollie Rhode of Ilurfzog is the guest of Miss Virginia Vam We congratulate Miss Lottie Rich who won the scolarship at Winthrop College over several-competitors Miss Lottie finished ac the Carlisle Fitting School last session She won the medal for the best scholarship We have no fear that she will not make her mark at Winthrop Protracted services will commence at the school building Wednesday night conducted by Rev Sexton We wish much good accomplished The death of Ben Carter Saturday Aug 25 was a shock to many of his friends While on a visit to his brother Dr Carter he wrs taken sick and died within a few days Everything that could be thought of was done for his relief We extend to Jus loved ones our heartfelt sympa- Witli best wishes for The Press and Standard Eebeca by at year Hall ladies tjAe LUose Cough the nature result The a lot while If price Drug Store Wal Cotton Mill IR Ir WE iH i SV: Mi? fU i I I tVStl gl HEniDEfHson Attorney At Law and floater agent for Liverpool London and Globe Fire Insurance Co and for 9 Fidelity and 1 Guaranty Company Also for the Aetna Fire Insurance Co i In which Company Insurance can be got on all country aB well as town property Knight A Lemacks Lucas Jackson Dr Stokes Welsh Rev Graham at A A faPhen8 llama has learned how She writes: bottles Jlew Discovery stopped and cred friends thought consumption grand for throat and lung Guaranteed by Jno Klein druggist Price 60c and 2 Trial twttle freer8 Dethlehem Notes Editor Tress and Standard: I will try to come again as I cant be run off our new editor Mrs Sallie Reeves and children and mother visited Round a few days ago Mrs Ollie Weeks and two sons spent a week Bamberg recently Mr and Mrs II Kickenbaker are spending a month with their son Georgia Mr Sexton of Walterboro will preach at Bethlehem the fourth Sunday in this month Everybody is invited to attend all these services There was ice cream festival given Lftsey Aug lltli which was enjoyed by all who was present The people around here wont have much trouble with the cotton this Sam Linder and Jacob Linder attended the singing at Mr Garris lost Sunday night There were about forty-five present The Young Society at the school house invited the young to attend the first Sauday in September jj Wal Drug Co Padgett Wal Postoffice Mrs Sanders A Savage A Shaffer Terry Shaffer oiiar tj Jno Peunfoy bus John Lucas Mrs Annie Neyle Gibbs Savage Bus Wal Bot Willis oft Pay Station at store of Bovnton Willis Charges IOcts to Walterboro 20 eta any con-nectlon on local exchange COTTAGEVILLE LINE Ackerman Peirce Ackerman A Dodd A Metts Dr Willis Dr A Kirby Pav station at TS Charge IOcts to Walterboro connection exchange 0 STOKES DENTIST Cl I OFFICE NFAR WALTERBORO HOTE Chris Edwards HA Francis res Benton Martin Smith Adams May Morrall Mrs McTeer McTeer "isrn Murray Sr Jas Peurifoy Stokes of Jno Peurifoy Stokes off Press Standard Edwards Price EdGlover DCL Hiers A Sanders Grace Peurifoy bus Griffin I SiGriffin office Hiott office Pennington Grace Warren iTuier Hyrne Wal Liv Stables Halford uenton ifSTOlT COTWiy TS1BPE0H3 CO us PJOJidior jwo a paiiiuForr Ptusnasr Vioi Prns Texas DIXON Manager SOcts any on local LINE Hiott Hill A Rickenbakef Jordan RITTER LINE Allen Ritter Poor Farm Bennett Sanders Drawdy SNIDER LINE Mrs A Getsingef Brant JAS BLACK SR DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 830 am to 3 to 6 "VV al torboro 'OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO oc REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Cough Remedy Acta on Plan tSU? medicines are Jt aid natnre Remedy acts on this plan Take have a cold and it will allay cough relieve the lungT aid 0pen the BecreIiona and aid In restoring the svstem to fSlflStoCOntfl0n- Thousands have irauneato its superior excellence It nanit'ta0 RDy of a coid to in pneumonia Price 25 cento 50 mm I a Well Han of 1 BACKAC Starving to Death Because her stomach was so weaken by useless drugging that ahe mi i a notnt Mrs Mary altera of St Clair Bt Columbus was Hterallr i orsx t0T 5O0We ROYAL MEDICINE CO Marine Bldg ChiciBS Ut WALTERBORO DRUG CO and JOHN KLEIN Walterboro The best time to kiss a pertty girl la I any old time It costa $20000 to educate some boy and they never earn the interest on It Igiswi SSK CSrte' BltUrL 1 Induced 10 ltY tfft I me wonderful wrole you for advice" writes LeliAHagood' of Sylvia Tenn my terrible backaiche and monthly pains in my abdomen and shouldere I jfed this nine years and five doctors naiwe on your advice aook of Cardui which at once relieved pains and now 1 am entirely cured I am suSe that Cardui saved my life" persistent man accomplishes of things that are not worth you would not be cheated oak the at three shops The genuine article go round protesting that it is good as the best To a bom kicker grievances are as plentiful as grafters in an insurance company Cure a wSam KendlllI of PtHHpsburg Kan AnLVf with Arnica Halve and the Salve wjll do the rest Quickest cure for Burns Boils SlteRfcfctea d8vWouild- Pllei- 25? aSU1 ChapBfd Hands Sore Feet A Sanders Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries Vegetables Fruit and Confectionery CASH PAID FOR POULTRY AND EGGS emale Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it It is a safe and reliable remedy for all A diseases such as peri- 1 odical pains irregulari- ty dragging dowasen-' sations headache dizziness backache etc ram advice Write us a tetter desert- nd we will Jend Mop Tenn begtu at once SaPaggJa Shipment of Jugs Prohibition? Last Monday a freight car was loaded with whiskey jugs and kegs on Tuesday another ahipped away to the Mountain City Distilling Company of Asheville The shipment was: 101 l-gal foes- 386 2 gdljngs75 3-gd jags 91 4 This is the second shipment of I empty jugs Union since the sory wos voted out-Union you A Perfect For All Throat and Cure Lung Troubles Money back If It fans Trial Bottiaa ft-Mb At Every Drug Store In $100 bottles toy it WINE OF.

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The Press and Standard from Walterboro, South Carolina (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 6033

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.