zinit.zsh - Zinit Wiki (2024)


zinit.zsh - a shell script


Documentation automatically generated with `zshelldoc'


pmodloadzpcdclearzpcdreplayzpcompdefzpcompinit.zinit-add-report.zinit-any-to-user-plugin.zinit-clear-debug-report.zinit-compdef-clear.zinit-compdef-replay.zinit-debug-start.zinit-debug-stop.zinit-debug-unload.zinit-deploy-message.zinit-diff.zinit-diff-env.zinit-diff-functions.zinit-diff-options.zinit-diff-parameter.zinit-find-other-matches.zinit-ice.zinit-load.zinit-load-plugin.zinit-load-snippet.zinit-pack-ice.zinit-prepare-home.zinit-register-plugin@zplg-register-z-plugin:zinit-reload-and-run.zinit-run-task.zinit-service:zinit-shadow-alias:zinit-shadow-autoload:zinit-shadow-bindkey:zinit-shadow-compdef.zinit-shadow-off.zinit-shadow-on:zinit-shadow-zle:zinit-shadow-zstyle.zinit-submit-turbo.zinit-unregister-plugin.zinit-wrap-track-functionszinit-zinit_scheduler_add_shAUTOLOAD add-zsh-hookAUTOLOAD compinitAUTOLOAD is-at-leastPRECMD-HOOK @zinit-scheduler


Script Body#

Has 117 line(s). Calls functions:

Script-Body|-- add-zsh-hook|-- is-at-least`-- .zinit-prepare-home

Uses feature(s): alias, autoload, export, zmodload, zstyle

Exports (environment): ZPFX


Compatibility with Prezto. Calls can be recursive.

Has 9 line(s). Calls functions:

pmodload`-- .zinit-load-snippet|-- .zinit-deploy-message|-- .zinit-pack-ice|-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions`-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-download-snippet

Uses feature(s): zstyle

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


A wrapper for `zinit cdclear -q' which can be called from hookices like the atinit'', atload'', etc. ices.

Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:

zpcdclear`-- .zinit-compdef-clear

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


A function that can be invoked from within `atinit', `atload', etc.ice-mod. It works like `zinit cdreplay', which cannot be invokedfrom such hook ices.

Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:

zpcdreplay`-- .zinit-compdef-replay

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Stores compdef for a replay with `zpcdreplay' (turbo mode) orwith `zinit cdreplay' (normal mode). An utility functton ofan undefined use case.

Has 1 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


A function that can be invoked from within `atinit', `atload', etc.ice-mod. It runs `autoload compinit; compinit' and respectsZINIT[ZCOMPDUMP_PATH] and ZINIT[COMPINIT_OPTS].

Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:

zpcompinit`-- compinit

Uses feature(s): autoload

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Adds a report line for given plugin.$1 - uspl2, i.e. user/plugin$2, ... - the text

Has 2 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Allows elastic plugin-spec across the code.$1 - plugin spec (2 formats: user/plugin, user plugin)$2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)Returns user and plugin in $reply

Has 23 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Forgets dtrace repport gathered up to this moment.

Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-clear-debug-report`-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-clear-report-for

Called by:



Implements user-exposed functionality to clear gathered compdefs.

Has 3 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Runs gathered compdef calls. This allows to run `compinit'after loading plugins.

Has 16 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Starts Dtrace, i.e. session tracking for changes in Zsh state.

Has 9 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-debug-start|-- .zinit-diff| |-- .zinit-diff-env| |-- .zinit-diff-functions| |-- .zinit-diff-options| `-- .zinit-diff-parameter`-- .zinit-shadow-on

Called by:



Stops Dtrace, i.e. session tracking for changes in Zsh state.

Has 3 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-debug-stop|-- .zinit-diff| |-- .zinit-diff-env| |-- .zinit-diff-functions| |-- .zinit-diff-options| `-- .zinit-diff-parameter`-- .zinit-shadow-off

Called by:



Reverts changes detected by dtrace run.

Has 5 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-debug-unload`-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-unload

Called by:



Deploys a sub-prompt message to be displayed OR a `zle.reset-prompt' call to be invoked

Has 12 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Uses feature(s): read, zle

Called by:



Performs diff actions of all types

Has 4 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-diff|-- .zinit-diff-env|-- .zinit-diff-functions|-- .zinit-diff-options`-- .zinit-diff-parameter

Called by:



Implements detection of change in PATH and FPATH.$1 - user/plugin (i.e. uspl2 format)$2 - command, can be "begin" or "end"

Has 18 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Implements detection of newly created functions. Performsdata gathering, computation is done in *-compute().$1 - user/plugin (i.e. uspl2 format)$2 - command, can be "begin" or "end"

Has 8 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Implements detection of change in option state. Performsdata gathering, computation is done in *-compute().$1 - user/plugin (i.e. uspl2 format)$2 - command, can be "begin" or "end"

Has 7 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Implements detection of change in any parameter's existence and type.Performs data gathering, computation is done in *-compute().$1 - user/plugin (i.e. uspl2 format)$2 - command, can be "begin" or "end"

Has 9 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Plugin's main source file is in general `name.plugin.zsh'. However,there can be different conventions, if that file is not found, thenthis functions examines other conventions in order of most expectedsanity.

Has 14 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Parses ICE specification (`zplg ice' subcommand), puts the resultinto ZINIT_ICE global hash. The ice-spec is valid for next commandonly (i.e. it "melts"), but it can then stick to plugin and activatee.g. at update.

Has 8 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:


Environment variables used: ZPFX


Implements the exposed-to-user action of loading a plugin.$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)$2 - plugin name, if the third format is used

Has 42 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-load|-- .zinit-any-to-user-plugin|-- .zinit-deploy-message|-- .zinit-load-plugin| |-- .zinit-add-report| |-- .zinit-diff| | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | |-- .zinit-diff-functions| | |-- .zinit-diff-options| | `-- .zinit-diff-parameter| |-- .zinit-diff-env| |-- .zinit-find-other-matches| |-- .zinit-shadow-off| |-- .zinit-shadow-on| `-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions|-- .zinit-pack-ice|-- .zinit-register-plugin`-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-setup-plugin-dir

Uses feature(s): eval, source, zle

Called by:



Lower-level function for loading a plugin.$1 - user$2 - plugin$3 - mode (light or load)

Has 96 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-load-plugin|-- .zinit-add-report|-- .zinit-diff| |-- .zinit-diff-env| |-- .zinit-diff-functions| |-- .zinit-diff-options| `-- .zinit-diff-parameter|-- .zinit-diff-env|-- .zinit-find-other-matches|-- .zinit-shadow-off|-- .zinit-shadow-on`-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions

Uses feature(s): eval, source, zle

Called by:



Implements the exposed-to-user action of loading a snippet.$1 - url (can be local, absolute path)

Has 180 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-load-snippet|-- .zinit-deploy-message|-- .zinit-pack-ice|-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions`-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-download-snippet

Uses feature(s): autoload, eval, source, unfunction, zparseopts, zstyle

Called by:



Remembers all ice-mods, assigns them to concrete plugin. Ice specis in general forgotten for second-next command (that's why it'scalled "ice" - it melts), however they glue to the object (pluginor snippet) mentioned in the next command – for later use with e.g.`zinit update ...'

Has 3 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Creates all directories needed by Zinit, first checks if theyalready exist.

Has 28 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:


Environment variables used: ZPFX


Adds the plugin to ZINIT_REGISTERED_PLUGINS array and to thezsh_loaded_plugins array (managed according to the plugin standard:http://zdharma.org/Zsh-100-Commits-Club/Zsh-Plugin-Standard.html)

Has 23 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Registers the z-plugin inside Zinit – i.e. an Zinit extension

Has 4 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Marks given function ($3) for autoloading, and executes it triggering theload. $1 is the fpath dedicated to the function, $2 are autoload options.This function replaces "autoload -X", because using that on older Zshversions causes problems with traps.So basically one creates function stub that calls :zinit-reload-and-run()instead of "autoload -X".$1 - FPATH dedicated to function$2 - autoload options$3 - function name (one that needs autoloading)Author: Bart Schaefer

Has 7 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Uses feature(s): autoload, unfunction

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


A backend, worker function of .zinit-scheduler. It obtains the tasksindex and a few of its properties (like the type: plugin, snippet,service plugin, service snippet) and executes it first checking foradditional conditions (like non-numeric wait'' ice).$1 - the pass number, either 1st or 2nd pass$2 - the time assigned to the task$3 - type: plugin, snippet, service plugin, service snippet$4 - task's index in the ZINIT[WAIT_ICE_...] fields$5 - mode: load or light$6 - the plugin-spec or snippet URL or alias name (from id-as'')

Has 41 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-run-task|-- .zinit-load| |-- .zinit-any-to-user-plugin| |-- .zinit-deploy-message| |-- .zinit-load-plugin| | |-- .zinit-add-report| | |-- .zinit-diff| | | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | | |-- .zinit-diff-functions| | | |-- .zinit-diff-options| | | `-- .zinit-diff-parameter| | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | |-- .zinit-find-other-matches| | |-- .zinit-shadow-off| | |-- .zinit-shadow-on| | `-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions| |-- .zinit-pack-ice| |-- .zinit-register-plugin| `-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-setup-plugin-dir|-- .zinit-load-snippet| |-- .zinit-deploy-message| |-- .zinit-pack-ice| |-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions| `-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-download-snippet`-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-unload

Uses feature(s): eval, source, zle, zpty

Called by:



Searches for timeout tasks, executes them. There's an array of taskswaiting for execution, this scheduler manages them, detects which onesshould be run at current moment, decides to remove (or not) them fromthe array after execution.$1 - if "following", then it is non-first (second and more)invocation of the scheduler; this results in chain of `sched'invocations that results in repetitive @zinit-scheduler activityif "burst", then all tasks are marked timeout and executed oneby one; this is handy if e.g. a docker image starts up andneeds to install all turbo-mode plugins without any hesitation(delay), i.e. "burst" allows to run package installations fromscript, not from prompt

Has 62 line(s). Is a precmd hook. Calls functions:

@zinit-scheduler|-- add-zsh-hook`-- .zinit-run-task|-- .zinit-load| |-- .zinit-any-to-user-plugin| |-- .zinit-deploy-message| |-- .zinit-load-plugin| | |-- .zinit-add-report| | |-- .zinit-diff| | | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | | |-- .zinit-diff-functions| | | |-- .zinit-diff-options| | | `-- .zinit-diff-parameter| | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | |-- .zinit-find-other-matches| | |-- .zinit-shadow-off| | |-- .zinit-shadow-on| | `-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions| |-- .zinit-pack-ice| |-- .zinit-register-plugin| `-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-setup-plugin-dir|-- .zinit-load-snippet| |-- .zinit-deploy-message| |-- .zinit-pack-ice| |-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions| `-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-download-snippet`-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-unload

Uses feature(s): sched, zle

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Handles given service, i.e. obtains lock, runs it, or waits if no lock$1 - type "p" or "s" (plugin or snippet)$2 - mode - for plugin (light or load)$3 - id - URL or plugin ID or alias name (from id-as'')

Has 30 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-service|-- .zinit-load| |-- .zinit-any-to-user-plugin| |-- .zinit-deploy-message| |-- .zinit-load-plugin| | |-- .zinit-add-report| | |-- .zinit-diff| | | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | | |-- .zinit-diff-functions| | | |-- .zinit-diff-options| | | `-- .zinit-diff-parameter| | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | |-- .zinit-find-other-matches| | |-- .zinit-shadow-off| | |-- .zinit-shadow-on| | `-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions| |-- .zinit-pack-ice| |-- .zinit-register-plugin| `-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-setup-plugin-dir`-- .zinit-load-snippet|-- .zinit-deploy-message|-- .zinit-pack-ice|-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions`-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-download-snippet

Uses feature(s): kill, read

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Function defined to hijack plugin's calls to `alias' builtin.The hijacking is to gather report data (which is used in unload).

Has 34 line(s). Calls functions:

:zinit-shadow-alias`-- .zinit-add-report

Uses feature(s): alias, zparseopts

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Function defined to hijack plugin's calls to `autoload' builtin.The hijacking is not only to gather report data, but also torun custom `autoload' function, that doesn't need FPATH.

Has 48 line(s). Calls functions:

:zinit-shadow-autoload`-- .zinit-add-report

Uses feature(s): autoload, eval, zparseopts

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Function defined to hijack plugin's calls to `bindkey' builtin.The hijacking is to gather report data (which is used in unload).

Has 104 line(s). Calls functions:

:zinit-shadow-bindkey|-- is-at-least`-- .zinit-add-report

Uses feature(s): bindkey, zparseopts

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Function defined to hijack plugin's calls to `compdef' function.The hijacking is not only for reporting, but also to save compdefcalls so that `compinit' can be called after loading plugins.

Has 4 line(s). Calls functions:

:zinit-shadow-compdef`-- .zinit-add-report

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Turn off shadowing completely for a given mode ("load", "light","light-b" (i.e. the `trackbinds' mode) or "compdef").

Has 18 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Uses feature(s): unfunction

Called by:



Turn on shadowing of builtins and functions according to passedmode ("load", "light", "light-b" or "compdef"). The shadowing isto gather report data, and to hijack `autoload', `bindkey' and`compdef' calls.

Has 25 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Function defined to hijack plugin's calls to `zle' builtin.The hijacking is to gather report data (which is used in unload).

Has 38 line(s). Calls functions:

:zinit-shadow-zle`-- .zinit-add-report

Uses feature(s): zle

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Function defined to hijack plugin's calls to `zstyle' builtin.The hijacking is to gather report data (which is used in unload).

Has 21 line(s). Calls functions:

:zinit-shadow-zstyle`-- .zinit-add-report

Uses feature(s): zparseopts, zstyle

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


If `zinit load`, `zinit light` or `zinit snippet` will bepreceded with `wait', `load', `unload' or `on-update-of`/`subscribe'ice-mods then the plugin or snipped is to be loaded in turbo-mode,and this function adds it to internal data structures, so that@zinit-scheduler can run (load, unload) this as a task.

Has 14 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:



Removes the plugin from ZINIT_REGISTERED_PLUGINS array and from thezsh_loaded_plugins array (managed according to the plugin standard)

Has 5 line(s). Calls functions:

.zinit-unregister-plugin`-- .zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Called by:



Has 19 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Uses feature(s): eval

Called by:



Main function directly exposed to user, obtains subcommand and itsarguments, has completion.

Has 290 line(s). Calls functions:

zinit|-- compinit|-- .zinit-clear-debug-report| `-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-clear-report-for|-- .zinit-compdef-clear|-- .zinit-compdef-replay|-- .zinit-debug-start| |-- .zinit-diff| | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | |-- .zinit-diff-functions| | |-- .zinit-diff-options| | `-- .zinit-diff-parameter| `-- .zinit-shadow-on|-- .zinit-debug-stop| |-- .zinit-diff| | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | |-- .zinit-diff-functions| | |-- .zinit-diff-options| | `-- .zinit-diff-parameter| `-- .zinit-shadow-off|-- .zinit-debug-unload| `-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-unload|-- .zinit-ice|-- .zinit-load| |-- .zinit-any-to-user-plugin| |-- .zinit-deploy-message| |-- .zinit-load-plugin| | |-- .zinit-add-report| | |-- .zinit-diff| | | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | | |-- .zinit-diff-functions| | | |-- .zinit-diff-options| | | `-- .zinit-diff-parameter| | |-- .zinit-diff-env| | |-- .zinit-find-other-matches| | |-- .zinit-shadow-off| | |-- .zinit-shadow-on| | `-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions| |-- .zinit-pack-ice| |-- .zinit-register-plugin| `-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-setup-plugin-dir|-- .zinit-load-snippet| |-- .zinit-deploy-message| |-- .zinit-pack-ice| |-- .zinit-wrap-track-functions| `-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-download-snippet|-- .zinit-submit-turbo|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-cdisable|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-cenable|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-clear-completions|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-compiled|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-compile-uncompile-all|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-compinit|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-help|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-list-bindkeys|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-list-compdef-replay|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-ls|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-module|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-recently|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-search-completions|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-self-update|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-show-all-reports|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-show-completions|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-show-debug-report|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-show-registered-plugins|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-show-report|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-show-times|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-show-zstatus|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-uncompile-plugin|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-uninstall-completions|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-unload|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-update-or-status|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-update-or-status-all|-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-compile-plugin|-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-forget-completion`-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-install-completions

Uses feature(s): autoload, eval, source

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Copies task into ZINIT_RUN array, called when a task timeouts.A small function ran from pattern in /-substitution as a mathfunction.

Has 7 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Has 93 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Uses feature(s): autoload, getopts

Called by:



Has 549 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Uses feature(s): autoload, bindkey, eval, read, unfunction, zle, zstyle

Called by:



Has 56 line(s). Doesn't call other functions.

Called by:

zinit.zsh - Zinit Wiki (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 5483

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.