1 1 Cose Disc: LH.C. Cond 30' Conc. Ton. $: U.S. I 11 Cone.
J.C 3' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AUCTION SALE Lumberton, N.C. Wednesday November 16 at 10 AM Byrds Complete Dry Cleaners. Located on 2nd Street. Lumberton, N.C. All equipment will be sold piece by piece, plus 2 lots and building 70x70.
The lots run from one street to the other. 216 ft. deep and 151 ft. front. For further information contact the owner Tommy Byrd 739-6468 or the Auction Co.
Sale Conducted by Lloyd Melkins Sons Realty Auction Co. Home office Lumberton, N.C: Dillon, S.C. 919-739-0547 Sale Rain 803-774-8993 N.C.L. N. 858 or Shine S.C.L.N.
273 ABSOLUTE AUCTION Construction Building Equipment CORTE COMPANY, INC. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1983 10:00 am BLUEFIELD, VIRGINIA NOTE: This Auction will feature surplus equipment from Corte Company and others. This equipment will sell with NO MINIMUMS, NO BUY BACKS AND NO RESERVES. CRI. TRAC.
CRL. CAT D8H (46A): TD25C CAT D4D (2R); TD8C: Case 450 350, J.D. 350, (2) CAT D8 (2) C. 2508. 1758: CAT 933.
WHEEL LDRS. Mich. 275: TC Ldr Dynamic 200, Ton Crane: Cose 680E: D. 310 (2800 Dynahoe 200 4, B. SOAP 2400.
MTR. GRADERS: (2) Champion D565T CAT 212: Golion 503. Allis Cholmers Mod. D. TRK.
CRANES, BOOM DRILL AIR COMPRS. Grove IM250T (25 Ton): Koeh. 218-1A: Bucyrus Erie 228, (2) 1966 8 1965 White 5 Ton Crones: I.R. CM2 Drill: (2) (600 85 F.M;. LowHrs, ASPHALT PAVER.
COMPACTORS CONC. Biaw-Knox PF25, Ferguson SP.758 Vibr) R. Spde. 24 (Vibr): Tampo (9 Sheepstoot (Dbl. Drum); Rex 4.6 Thompson Cone Pump, Symons Conc.
Conveyor, (825) Various Size Econo Steel Forms: Radial Forms, Cone. Bucket (3 Yd. (2) Wyco Cons. Vibrators: MBW Finisher (36 (2) Clip per Conc. Saws, FORKLIFTS TRENCHER: ACC-100C ACC-805: Yale 5.000 Lb.
Hyster 40: Clark 4,000 lb. Clark Lb J.D. 380 (445 Witch R60, GENERATORS, LIGHT PLANT, WELDERS, WATER PUMPS TAMPS: G.E Power Plant G.M. Die. (3) Homelite Generators (7500 2750 Coleman MI.
400-L Light Plant, Lincoln 400 Airco 240 Welders: (4) Water Pumps: (13) to Water Pumps: (6) Gas Powered Tompers MISC. E. Bale Station (5) G.E. Mobile Radios: Morgan Conveyor, Head Drive, Drive Piece; Hoe Ram Hammer: (3) Clamshell Bucks: Towner (2) Case 8 Drott B. Hoe Bucks: (2) Headache Balls: Several G.E.
50 H.P Elec. Mirs Thermon 1.500 Lb. Scale, Chain Sows. Cot J.D. Rollers: Air Drill; Air Pump: (2) Waste Oil Heaters: AB Dick 675 Copier TRUCKS 1975 Dodge Trk.
1974 Chev. (Mobile Home Transporter): 1969 Crone Carrier: 1977 1H.C. 1700 Flatbed: 1973 Ford Lute 1975 Chev, 1967 Dodge Winch Trks. 1963 GMC 1962 Dodge C.F.M. Ar Compressors: 1956 Chev.
C.50 Mack B-61 Fuel 1979 Chev. Bruin, Dump (47.000 (2) Mock 61 Dump 1977 Chev. 60 I.H.C. CSC. 1977 Chew Utility (2) 1980 Chev.
C.10 (Low Miles), 1978 Chev. 1977 Ford Courier. 1973 Transport 40 Ton Lowboy, Rogers Lowboy. Philon 25 Ton Lowboy. (21 Tank Tris: (3) Ofc.
421. Carlus D. Gay: CA. TOLL FREE 1-800-342-6973 FIRST U.S. TOLL FREE 1-800-841-8076 TEAM OR 912-924-9311 AUCTION P.O.
BOX 685 AMERICUS, GEORGIA 31709 MERCHANTS-DEALERS-AND FLEAMARKET OPERATORS NOV. 16, 1983 Starts promptly at 11am-until. We will be having sellers from Georgia, Rhode Island and also from the East Coast. A free barbecue dinner will be served to all buyers as long as it lasts. We expect this sale to continue on into the night.
Hundreds of items to be sold. Here are a few items: Cordless telephone with intercom system, oriental vases, bric-abrac, brass, marble tables, rocker, large selection of watches, stereo equipment for cars and homes, am fm cassette players with and without auto reverse, cassette under dash speakrs from 50 watts to 250 watts maximum, equalizers Up to 250 watts maximum, Hydrocal such as horse clocks and owls, ow! smoke stands, owl lamps, large selection of iewelry, eagle lamps, assorts banks, large selection of tools, drill presses, grinders, saws, assorted small tolls, kitchen utensils, knives and many many items more. Some may be added or deleted. Many more items not listed at far below wholesale prices. Don't forget your tax numbers.
All sales cash, cashiers bank letter of credit. Hwy. 24 to Clinton, N.C 3 miles east of 1-95. FAYETTEVILLE DEALERS WHOLESALE AUCTION 2629 Clinton Rd. Fayetteville, N.c.
28301 Auctioneer Co. Eddie Maxwell, NCAL 503. Business Phone (919) 483-3497 113 Auctions AYCOCK AUCTION, 195 South, NC. 919-284- 5541. NCAL 266.
1-800-682-8011. FAYETTEVILLE DEALERS AUCTION Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday. 2629 Clinton Hwy Fayetteville, NC 483- 3497, NCAL 503. FOR ALL YOUR auction needs call Country Boy's Auction Realty 946-6007. LIQUIDATION SALE display shelves, various office supplies, cash register, and other items.
834-5308 or 934-4607. AUCTION, Tuesday, Nov. .2, 10am, 105 Hood Durham. Warehouse liquidation, lease ends this month must sell all. JAMES KENNEDY ANTIQUES (previously Country Sunshine).
Closing warehouse, hundreds of items, antiques, collectibles, architecturals, bricabrac, junk, lots of good flea market merchandise. Look for partial list next weeks News and Observer, James Kennedy Auctioneer NCAL No. 1726. 682-1040. PUBLIC AUCTION Nov.
19, 1983. We will offer an outstanding personal collection of more than 350 Baby Dolls dating from 1930. Look in Friday, November 18 for listing. At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Billy Ray Smith, R1. 4, Lillington. 893-5050. Auctioneer Glen Giles NCAL 960, 639-4707 Angier, N.C. Professional Auction Service Wooten Realty Auction Co.
Raleigh, N.C. 832-7251 NELMS AUCTION CO. Castalia, NC 853-3324 RON'S AUCTION REALTY CO. Auctions are my business not a pasttime. RON FAISON, CAI 832-3534 FOR BETTER AUCTIONS anywhere, anytime LAWING AUCTION CO.
704-399-6372 BILLY HINTON AUCTION CO. Farms and Farm Equipment. Zebulon 269-6631, 269-7575 19 DEALER SPACES AVAILABLE Hottest flea market in Wilson, N.C.! U.S. 301 Flea Market, Gold Leaf Tobacco Warehouse, across from American Legion. Call 291-4022, Dick Crawford.
236-4538, Joan Sharp. Open and Sun. Open Fri. nights until 9 p.m. LAND 'EQUIPMENT We Solve Problems And Create Opportunities.
DIXIE LAND AGENCY. INC. 1-800-334-7253 (919)592-5118 (919)285-3219 AUCTION SEWING DISTRIBUTION PLANTER Nov. 17, 10:00 A.M. Clio Plant of Highlander Hwy 9S Clio, SC 250 Sewing Machines.
Elaborate mezzanine warehouse system with conveyor, cash registers, store racks, heavy shelving, much office equipment. TERMS: Cash or check with current bank letter. JIM MITCHELL AUCTION SCAL 835 11 North Main Honea Path, SC 803-369-2806 803-369-7308 ABSOLUTE AUCTION 'The Four Seasons" Restaurant Equipment-301 5. Evans Street, Greenville, N.C. (Minges Bldg.
across from Court House) Saturday November 19, 1983 10:00 AM PARTIAL LISTING 2 Dishwasher Drain Boards 70 Cane Back Chairs Microwave Radarange 10 Cane Bar Chairs 2 Microwaves, sharp (commercial) 11 Round table 2 Star Metal 4' Sandwich Units 6 4-Man Tables 2 Stainless Steel 2' Tables 6 2-Man Tables Star Metal 3-Pan Heat Table 4 Ceilings Fans with lights Star Metal 1-Door Undercounter RefrigeraDessert Cart tor 7 6' Folding Tables Star Metal 2-Door Undercounter 2 Kettle Crock Pots tor 12' Salad Bar Garland 6 pot, Double Oven, Grill Gas 10 Square Brass Lights Stove ice Bin Ceilware Gas Deep Fat Frier Undercounter Refrigerator Magic-Glow Char Grill 6' Coca-Cola Drink Box 4' Stainless Steel Table Data Terminal Cash Register, Model 150 2 Compartment Stainless Steel Sink with Mirror Back-Bar Drains 4' 5' Walk-In Refrigerator (2 yrs oid) Cooking Pots, Stainless Steel Pans, etc. 4' 5' Walk-In Freezer (2 yrs old) Time Clock with rack 1200 lb. Scotsman Cuber Jackson Custom China, lot of silvereware GE Heavy Duty Washer NCR Cash Register Elect. Hy Dry Drier Catering Equipment 4' Stainless Steel Counter with Backsplash Baking Pans 1-Door Raetone Refrigerator Jet-Spray Machines 1-Door Coolateer Refrigerator Electric Deep Fat Frier Salad Bar Cart Manual NCR Cash Register Slicer Toastmaster 4-slice Toaster Ice Cream Freezer Heat Lamp Stainless Steel Table 15 Stainless Steel Shelving Racks SALE TO BE CONDUCTED RAIN OR SHINE BY AUCTIONEERS MEMBER AUCTION P. O.
RONALD BOX W. 1840 FAISON, CAI REALTY co. INC. RALEIGH, N.C. 27602 NCAL 1670 NCRL 50847 "Auctions are my a pastime" HOG FARM-LAND-2 HOMES Another auction on WESTBROOK TOWNSHIP- -SAMPSON COUNTY LOCATON: From Midway High Scool On U.S.
421, Take S.R. 5.R. 1807. Also 1475 East 1 Me, Turn Left On From Spivey's Corner, Take 421 To Midway S.R. 1475 For 1 Mile, Turn Left On S.R.
1807. High School, East On 1--20-50 HARVESTORE With 11,000 Bushel Capacity With Goliath Unloader 1--20-80 HARVESTORE With 19,000 Bushel SAT. NOV. Capacity With Hercules Unloader 150. Ft.
Belt Feeder (Harvestore Bins Sold Sepa rately) Feed Truck 19 TRACT 1 12:00 NOON 6.22 Ac. 511.92 Ft. Road Frontage Gestation by 200' RAIN OR SHINE--ON PREMISES Topping House 37' by 200' 24 Pins 16 16' TRACT 3 Nursery by 48 Cges Controlled Atmosphre Nice Home With 1,100 Sq. Ft. Living Plus Farrowing House 90' Carport and Storage 35 by Stalls Slurry Manure Holding Tank 2.48 Ac.
156.83 Ft. Rd. Frontage 300.000 Gal. With Pump TRACT 4 4-In. Deep Well With Submersible Pump 10.307 Acres All Cleared Storage Shed 834.36 Ft.
Rd. Frontage Alfalfa Planted Growing, Excellent Land. TRACT 2 TRACT 5 5.53 Acres All Cleared Home 603.52 Ft. Rd. Frontage- Excellent With 1,232 Living Area 1.00 Acre Land Land Rd.
Frontage Owners B. B. B. HOG FARMS, INC. TERMS: Good Falth Deposit Day of Sale and Remainer, All Cash, On of Deed On Or Before January 3, 1984.
Delivery AUCTIONEER NOTE: This Sale Will Not Lie Open For Raise of Bid So Come Prepared To Bid Your Judgement! Seller Reserves The Right To Accept or Reject Any or All Bids Day of Sale! Announcements Made On Aucton Day By Auctioneer Takes Precedence Over Any Printed Material -FOR INFORMATION AND SHOWING CONTACTHILL REALTY AUCTION CO. EDWARD J. HILL MARY ANN HILL, N.C.R.E.LIC. No. 23935 30794 Intersection Hwy.
55 50 West--Newton Griove, N.C-919-594-1751 Lic. The News and Observer, Raleigh, N. Nov. 13, 1983 70A 116 Farms For Rent WANTED TO BUY, tobacco pounds in Nash Co. 443-2311.
WANT IT TO BUY: tobacco lbs in Wake County. 552-2351. WANTED TO BUY or rent tobacco lbs. in Nash County. 243- 5772.
WANT TO BUY Tobacco poundable, Wake County, 552-5146. WANTED farm and livable house, no tobacco, call 832-3534. TOBACCO ALLOTMENT for sale, Wake County, 2594 lbs. $2 per lb. Day 934-4162, night 965- 3245.
WANT TO BUY tobacco pounds, Franklin County. 269-5810. Farms Acreage For Sale VANCE co. 45 acres with old buildings, 5000 lbs tobacco and stream on SR 1303 near Kerr Lake $45,000 with $15,000 down. TRIANGLE REALTY CORP.
of Louisburg, NC 496-5439. LOUISBURG, beautiful double Top Sider home located in exclusive West Hills Estates on 2 acres overlooking Tar River. Reduced to $59,500. TRIANGLE Realty Corp of Louisburg, NC 496-5439. 86 ACRES Franklin Co.
Pond, streams, will divide. $1100ac. Julie Wright Real Estate. 847- 5731. ACRES Bayleaf adioins Falls Proiect.
Wooded and open land. Private rd. Julie Wright Real Estate. 847-5731. FRANKLIN CO.
80 ac. 34 open, pasture, $70,000. CENTURY 21 Lucille Romero Realty, 496-2027 FRANKLIN CO. 14 house, pond, tob, farm bldgs, owner finan. $35,000.
496-2055, 496-2574. LOCATED 22 miles from Crabtree Valley, 106 acres, many possibilities. Owner will consider financing with reasonable down payment. Only $1,500 per acre. Call Jim Landry 847-3923 or Myrick and Assoc.
782-4444 or 872-2520. P-6. 21 ACRES off No. 1S. near Holly Springs.
Evenings call Bill Smith 787-6981, Myrick 872-2520, 782-4444, Q12. 3 ACRE TRACT wooded; 76 acres wooded on the river, 3000 acres timberland, $550 per acre; 5000 acres mountain land, $600 per acre. AMERICAN SOUTHERN REALTY 782-5314. CHATHAM CO. 34.6 acres within walking distance to Jordan Lake.
Absolute privacy on private road, adjoins Duke Univ. land. Excellent hunting potential. $1800 per acre with terms. Call BUD HOLDER, Realtor, Pittsboro 542-3945.
117 (Farms Acreage For Sale JOHNSTON COUNTY 200 ac. super farm. 90 acres cleared. Will divide. 20.5 acres secluded hide-away with pond.
From Hwy. 50 take Hwy. 210 E. to SR 1332. 45 acre farm, 20 cleared, 7 mi.
west of Benson, 1.9 mi. south of Hwy. 50 on SR 1319. Farm Forest Realty, 284-4643. 40 ACRES with owner financing, ideal for horses.
Simpson Underwood 782-6641. FRANKLIN CO. 106 acres, 46 open, 2,000 ft. on Hwy. 56.
5 mi. E. Louisburg, 5835 tobacco house, $1200 per ac. 847-1201. CHATHAM CO.
100 yr. old house, restored on 11 acres, barn and fence for horses, road frontage, adjoining U.S. gov't near Jordan Lake. Apex phone. Call Bud Holder, Realtor, Pittsboro, 542-3945.
MINI Horse Farm, fenced contemp home, Falls 556- 2764. 7.902 ACRES, SR 1919 near Falls Lake. $3000 ac. Julie Wright Real Estate, Cissy Hampton 847-6107. 90 ACRES prime farmland by owner, potential development property.
Large pond, tobacco alotment. Call 556-1901. APEX 16 ACS. Open and wooded. Owner finan.
APEX 362-6848, 362-8200. 7 12 BEAUTIFUL ACRES off 401. Deeded access rd. $28,900. VIC Realty 772-8166.
52 ACRES Chatham 6 stall barn, 14 ac. open, 2 wells, septic, old house. Owner financing. $1290 acre. APEX 362- 6848, 362-8027.
173 7 mi. NE of Raleigh with over 1 mi. of paved road frontage. Andrews Realty 832-8866. FOR SALE 8.73 acres, restricted.
Holly Ridge Farms. $49,500. Buffalo Rd. Dwight Stanley 847- 1567. 72 ACS.
with improved waterfront home site and barn near Bath, NC. 4465 pounds tobacco allotment. 772-9096 aft 6pm and wkends. APPROX. 10 acres available for country home site, 5 acres wooded and 5 acres suitable for pasture in Wake County or paved road.
Owner finance available. Day-556-3235 or 556- 6667-day or night. AUCTION FARM LAND AIKEN, S.C. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1983 10 A.M. 629 acres, 497 open, 163 ac.
under pivot irrigation, 7 room ranch style home, 3 large out buildings. For complete information maps call or write Auctio Co. Sale Conducted By: MOODY-GODLEY AUCTION COMPANY P.O. Box 795 Darlington, SC (803) 393-0431 Archie D. Moody, CAl SCAL 106 AUCTION SALE SAT.
NOV. 19, 1983 11:00 A.M. Property of the Heirs of Ellen Harrell Smith 130 Acres 4.01 Acres Tobacco- 9051 Lbs. GOLDSBORO, N.C. Has City Water and Sewer on Property Located in city li limits of Goldsboro, N.C.
at the east end of EXTRA NICE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY Divided into 3 Tracts Tobacco Allotment Sold Separately 4.01 Acres Tobacco TRACT No. 1 TRACT No. 2 TRACT No. 3 53.44 Acres 34.14 Acres 42.62 Acres If you are looking for Good Development Property this is the opportunity of a lifetime. Auction co.
reserves the right to sale tobacco allotment separately and the right to block any 2 tracts or more but does not guarantee to do so. TERMS: deposit day of sale--balance due within 30 days. Bids will not lie -final, day of sale. Come out and look the property over and be prepared to bid and buy. Sale Conducted by INVEST IN THE SAFEST INVESTMENT ON EARTH TODAY! LAND LAND LAND SALE CONDUCTED BY AYCOCK AUCTION INC.
N.C. Real Estate Broker 4590 Box 404 Kenly, NC 27542 Phone: (919) 284-5541 (919) 284-2737 Kenneth Aycock, Auctioneer. N.C.A.L. AT AUCTION Sat. Nov.
19, 1983 1:00 p.m. Rain Date Nov. 26, 1983 Rain Date 175 ACRE FARM-SUB-DIVIDED RESTORABLE 2-STORY HOUSE-BARNS-OUT-BUILDINGS Located in Laurel Springs section of Alleghany N.C., on south side of Peach Bottom on Doughton Mt. Rd. (NCSR From Sparta, take NC S.
miles, turn right on NCSR and go mile to property on both sides of road. This 175 acre farm is sub-divided into 38 tracts with acreage ranging from acres to acres. Three streams on this property furnish water to most tracts. Many tracts have high elevation with excellent views making them ideal building sites. Some tracts are wooded.
One tract has old fishpond which hads been drained but could easily be refilled, and several tracts have excellent lake sites. One tract has good shop building, and other tracts will have barns and out-building. One tract has the former dairy barn and silos. Another tract has the big-restorable 2-story house with bath, gravity water, big shade trees and excellent view. SOMETHING HERE FOR EVERYONE HOMESITES-CHRISTMAS TREE -HUNTING LAND-FIREWOOD LOTS-SMALL FARM TRACTS-CHOICE LAKE SITES We invite you to look this property over make your plans now to attend this auction.
Call for brochure, piat or personal tour of this property. Whatever you are looking for is here- beautiful buildins sites. Christrnas tree land, choice hunting land, firewood lots small farm of your own. Selling in tracts only with no blocking allowed. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE TERMS: Down on sale day, Closing within 30 days.
SALE CONDUCTED FOR AND SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION BY VAN MILLER, JR. BLEDSOE REALTY REEVES AUCTION REALTY CO. 347 South Main Sparta, NC 28675 Sparta, N.C. 28675 919-372-4412 919-372-8369 NCAL Col. Stephen Brooks, NCAL Farmers' Market Place 117) Farms For Sale Acreage 16.2 ACRE tract in northern Wake Co.
$32,000. Owner finan. avail. 556-1335. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT! Near Texas Instruments' land on 64 just west of Apex, this 4.96 acre tract can be bought with owner financing.
STEVE ROBERSON, REALTORS 787- 4436. 6.73 AC. GREEN LEVEL on SR 1742. 2 miles to Lake Jordan. $22,900.
MacNair Co. 851.3000. COUNTRY LIVING privacy, beautiful trees, 3 12 acres near Lake Gaston. Large remodeled older home with horse barn and lighted show ring. Let us show it to you.
SOUTH SHORE REALTY, Littleton, NC 586-3048. HALIFAX CO. 232 ac. farm, 146 ac. tillable, 53,609 lbs.
peanut quota, 5820 lbs. tobacco allotment, cotton, corn, and wheat base. Barns, grain storage, and peanut dryer. Pine hardwood sawtimber. Call or write for more information.
DOANE WESTERN COMPANY. Call Marcus Perry (919) 536-3265. 233.3 AC. FARM, near Williamsboro in Vance 36 ac. cleared; 5.37 ac.
7,980 lbs tobacco allotment for 1983. Includes home, tenant house and other outbuildings. Call 919-692-5545 for additional information. RIDGEFIELD FARMS, new mini-farms, 5-10 ac near RTP, Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Apex. Perfect location.
Beautifully wooded, some with spring-fed streams. Call for free brochure. Willis Harvey 834-6767, The Real Estate Center 467-1811. 14.84 acres, near Apex, 12 ac. open, pond, joins Jordan Lake land, unrestricted, Barry Keisler 362-8072, The Real Estate Ctr.
467-1811. 57 restorable home and barns, fields, woods, pvd. rd, large creek, owner finan, $1200 ac. Barry Keisler 362-8072, The Real Estate Ctr. 467-1811.
630 AC. operating crop and cattle farm, Harnett 400 ac. open, many water sources, ranch home, 4000 sq. ft. shop, will divide.
$1,113,000. Barry Keisler 362-8072, The Real Estate Ctr. 467-1811. HORSES HORSES! 21 beautiful acres Wake small house, horse barn with fenced pasture. You may subdivide.
Owner financing $105,000. Call Lolo Dobson 787-0805, The Real Estate Center 467-1811 S-7. COMPLETE 50 stall horse boarding and training facility. Will trade. Financing available.
919-595-8812. RESTORED FARMHOUSE and 29 E. Chatham near Jordan Lake. 10 acs. open, pond site, ioins govt.
land on 3 sides $149,900. Barry Keister 362-8072, The Real Estate Ctr. 467-1811. 20 from Raleigh! 34 MINUTES, pasture, barns, timber and tobacco allotment. 3 income producing rental homes.
Call Ursula 781-3212 or Jim 781-0332. THE REAL ESTATE CENTER 848-1446 S4. 260 AC. Granville 125 ac. pasture, fenced and crossfenced, 8 ponds, 1 mi.
pvd. 2 houses, many barns, owner finan, $275,000. Barry Keisler 362-8072, The Real Estate Ctr. 467-1811. 12.4 AC.
and home near Apex. 1585 sq, ft. ranch, 2 barns, pond, stream, open and wooded, beautiful setting $99,900. Barry Keisler 362-8072, The Real Estate Ctr. 467-1811.
GREEN LEVEL area 22.68 acres located 10 minutes from Cary. Five acres open. 17 wooded with excellent road frontage, $4000 acre. Owner financing. Will subdivide.
Call Bill Turner 787-1081, The Real Estate Center 467-1811. 41.6 ACRES on a paved road in Chatham Co. 5 miles west of Pittsboro. About 10 acres open land, rest wooded with good stand of growing timber $1500 ac. Terms.
RAYMOND C. UPCHURCH REAL ESTATE, Raleigh 772-2544. NICE CABIN on 94 ac. in Chatham Co. near Siler City.
About 15 ac. cropland. Owner financing. RAYMOND C. UP.
CHURCH Real Estate 772-2544 Raleigh. FRANKLIN CO. 254 acres wih 30 open, on SR 1445 and Shocco Creek, near Wood. $495 acre. TRIANGLE REALTY CORP of Louisburg, NC 496-5439.
FRANKLIN CO. 20 acres with house, pond, outbuildings and 3500 lbs. tobacco. SR 1459 $42,500. TRIANGLE REALTY CORP of Louisburg, NC 496- 5439.
70 ACRES, 2 story home, barn, pasture, other buildings, pond, owner financed. 11 ACRES, 6 rm home, 5 poultry houses, assum. loan $5000 down $69,000. 20 ACRES, pat wooded, barn $16,500. 45 ACRES, 3000 sq ft home, exc barn, other bldg, fenced pasture, owner financed.
6 2 story home, barn, pasture, assume loan $79,000.99 ACRES, ranch home, fenced pasture, pond $110,000. 9 34 ACRES, part wooded, paved rd, $12,000. 29 ACRES, brick home, barn, pasture, pond, assumable loan $63,000. 71 ACRES, 2 new hen houses $55,000 income, lake, fenced pasture, assumable loan. 19 WOODED acres, nice brick home $57,500.
88 ACRES, new hen houses, home, 70 ac. pasture, owner financing $180,000. 176 ACRES, timber, river, state rd. $106,000. United Agency 742- 4322 day or night.
FOR SALE BY OWNER 99.5 ac. of pasture and woodland. 4 mi. N. of Sanford.
Tract has paved road frontage, city water and pond. $79,000. Owner financing avail. 776-3950. 48 ACRE 2 acre with 7 rm.
2 story brick house in good cond. in Halifax Co. 828- 6029. ACREAGE IN PRIME TION WITH ROAD TAGE ON HWY 50 NORTH. Approx 9.75 acres close to Falls Lake joins Corps of Engineers property.
Some owner financing available. Call Reba Worsley P-60. 73 ACRES, partially wooded, part pasture, partially fenced with stream and spring, tobacco barn, storage shed and more. Evenings call Faye Vest 876- 8973 Rush Of The River and quiet country living beckon you! On river for 1600 45 acres also has springs, branches; includes 1500-lb. tobacco base.
Wooded 30 acs. with 5 acres of white pines. Two bedrm and bath home needs repair. On both sides of paved 6 miles to town $49,900 to settle estate. STROUT REALTY, R1.
1, Box 730. West Jefferson, NC 28694 (919) 877-4612 or call TOLL FREE: 1-800-641-4266. Parrish Realty ZEBULON NORTH OF RALEIGH In Franklin County. Wooded, unrestricted tracts starting at only $16,500. FARMLAND NEAR Zebulon.
Tenant houses, barns, storage galore paved rd. frontage on both sides of rd. 2 tracts, will sell separately. Ask for William Parrish at 269-7439 for details. FARMLAND: 1400 ft.
paved rd. frontage. Tobacco barns, pond, over 70 acs. wooded, the rest cleared. Priced FARMER, RANCHER, HORSE LOVER- there's room for one or all three.
50 large creek, 25 acs. open, lovely area for large or small home. Good rd. frontage, tob. allot.
timber. Priced to sell! Farms Acreage For Sale 106 ACRES-house and barn on Carpenter Pond Rd. near WakeDurham Co. line. Conven.
to RTP, long rd. frontage, $375,000. Ethel Snuggs 477-7753, Kelly Matherly Realtors 489- 2331. 2, 3, 4, 5, AND 6 acre tracts 15 mi. N.
of Raleigh on SR 2055. $2500- Owner finan. avail. 556-1335. HORSE Breeding and Training Facility? Formerly a dairy operation with nice large farm home, many barns, pasture, pond site 15 plus acres Super buy $112,000.
Plus for all over 15 ac. Call Willis Harvey 834-6767. The Real Estate Center 467-1811. 190 ACRES mi. N.
of Raleigh off US Will sell 30 acre lake already cleared, dam partly built. Call 876-8696 or 556- 5083. 5.5 ACRE tract, stream, hardwoods, 19 mi. N. of Raleigh.
$1350 down, finan. 556-1335. 90 AC. FARM with 12 mi. frontage on South River.
73 acs. timber, tobacco allotment, 7 rm house and outbuildings. Ideal hunting and fishing, $98,000. Glenn Avery Realty 763-8436. 45 ACRES SR 1831 and 1842 adjoining Black Horse Run.
Residential zoning. Owner financing. A.D. Smith, Realtor 851- 3668. 52 ACS in Sampson, Mingo township, 10 mi.
from Dunn, approx. 2700 lbs tobacco. Good for farming or building. Lots of road frontage. Most acs cleared.
892- 5386, 892-1763. 142 AC5. tobacco farm near Lake Hyco, only $85,200. Call Gourley Real Estate, 1-228-6488. BEAUTIFUL unrestricted wooded lots south of Apex off NC 55.
Owner financing. Call Bill Turner 787-1081, The Real Estate Center 467-1811. 40 BEAUTIFUL Rolling Acres on paved road near Ridgeway. Fenced, pond, ideal for horses or cattie. $675 acre Nights 1-693-4907.
FRANKLIN COUNTY. 4 49 acres room house. Lovely view of the countryside. CENTURY 21 LUCILLE ROMERO REALTY, Louisburg 496-2027. 6.4 ACRES with modern brick home, 4 bedrms, 2 12 baths, 8 miles south of Garner.
Shown by appt. Mon-Fri. RAYMOND C. UPCHURCH Real Estate 772-2544 Raleigh. SPECIALS RESORTS House and lot at Bay.
tree Lakes. Relaxed atmosphere, security gates and much more. Call now for more information. DAIRY PORK FACILITY In Brunswick 500 acs. currently and 80 cow herd with milk facilities and 100 sow cargill hog operation.
BLADEN COUNTY 174 acs. of farmland on NC Hwy between Harrells and White Lake. Excellent soils. SAMPSON COUNTY 320 acs. consisting of 40 acs.
cleared, and 280 acs. cut over woodland. Priced to sell. DUPLIN COUNTY FARM 50 acs. total, with 26 acs.
cleared. Located near Beulaville on Very reasonably price. RIVERFRONT LOTS On N.E. Cape Fear River, Hallsville, N.C. 1-10 acs.
lots starting at $3,000. Owner financing at Several sold. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY On going Flea Market with home in Bladen County. Located in high traffic area. ONSLOW COUNTY 4,300 acs.
of timberland. BLADEN COUNTY 211 acs. timberland, fronting on N.C. Hwy. 210.
BLADEN COUNTY 100 acres of timberland, one mile NW of White Lake. $300 per acre. MINI-FARMS 12 mi. north of Wilmington in Pender County. Excellent building sites ranging from 3 to 12 acs.
Consisting of 17 tracts. (5) tracts front on a large pond. consisting PENDER COUNTY. Farmland farm. One 2 tenant PENDER COUNTY.
490 acre houses. 38,000 bu. grain bin capacity. Must see to appreciate this excellent farmland. BLADEN COUNTY 2,079 acres farm located S.
of Bay Tree Lake. 1,298 acres of cropland with 550 acre irrigated. Very reasonably priced. SAMPSON COUNTY 575 acres with 360 acres cultivated. 260 acres in irrigation.
3,000 ft. of road frontage. SAMPSON COUNTY 522 acres, 2 miles Southwest of Roseboro, N.C. 143 acres cleared, 2.5 miles frontage on South River. Priced for quick sale at $600 per acre with financing available.
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 2 tracts of 13 acs. each adiacent to the SCL Railroad and adioining the city limits of Wallace, N.C. Excellent opportunity. DUPLIN COUNTY 60 acre farm located Greenevers Community. PENDER COUNTY Various size tracts of farmland near Rocky Point, N.C.
31 acs. 59 22 and 114 acs. which fronts the NE Cape Fear River. Son DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY 75 acres on Old US 1. Near the Industrial Park.
Only 10 minutes from downtown Sanford, N.C. NEAR RESEARCH TRIANGLE 20 acres NW of Morrisville, N.C. Near intersection of SR 1613 and SR 1635. DIXIE LAND AGENCY INC 1-800-334-7253 8. AC.
open sandy, loamy soil near Youngsville, $35,000, cash, bal. 5-8 yrs. at 70 AC. in Wake Crossroads area, all wooded, 859 AC. near 1-95 and Cumberland Co.
line, good timber. E. L. Martin Real Estate 828-4826 123 Farm Products Farms Acreage For Sale a JORDAN LAKE AREA, Residential, commercial, investment property. Call Bud Holder, Realtors, 542-3945, Pittsboro.
NORTH WESTERN CHATHAM CO. 136.5 acre farm, 44 acres open fields, remainder medium size timber, long double road frontage on hard surfaced road. Old livable house, several outbuildings, $1250 per acre, Terms. CALL BUD HOLDER, Realtors, Pittsboro, 542-3945. CHATHAM 118 Acres all wooded, beautiful timber, frontage on state maintained road, 2 streams, lake site, located way between Pittsboro and jordan Lake.
30 mins. from Raleigh or Durham. Well suited for private use institutional or church group. Reduced $129,500. Terms.
CALL BUD HOLDER, Realtors, Pittsboro, 542-3945. BUY FARMS, lands, timber, houses. Byrd Realty 772-0321. HORSE LOVERS! 12.82 acres with pond. Pasture already in.
Beautiful home site with septic, well, electric, phones lines and road in. ERA Mae Price Realty 467-2577. THE LAND MAN RAYMOND C. UPCHURCH Real Estate 772-2544, Raleigh LAND SALES The Real Estate Center Cary, N.C. (919) 467-1811 FULLER WALKER REALTY Lands Farms Timber Durham, N.C.
1-286-5544 BILL MULLEN REALTY 40 acres on Falls Lake 14 acres on Creech Rd. 90 acres with tob. allotment, 5 mi. E. of Zebulon, near Bunn Lake.
$1500 ac. 67 acres, fisherman's paradise, approx. 40 ac. lake incl. 2 lovely brick homes, boat docks, stables, fenced, owner financing.
acres just off 401 N. on SR 2050, $3000 per acre. 2 acres zoned industrial, on Trawick Rd. just off US 1 N. 1.22 acres, zoned shopping center, near Falls Village.
847-1285 FOR SALE RESEARCH TRIANGLE FOUNDATION OF NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY BASIC TOBACCO ALLOTMENT The Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina offers for sale on a sealed bid basis the basic tobacco allotment that the Foundation owns in Wake County, North Carolina. That allotment is a maximum of 39,364 pounds and is subject to the 1984 increase or decrease as announced by the Secretary of Agriculture. Bids will be accepted until 2:00 P.M., November 22, 1983 in the office of the Foundation, in the Robert M. Hanes Memorial Building, Research Triangle Park, P.O. Box 12255, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709.
Conditions of Sale: The tobacco allotment will be sold for cash. A bid deposit by certified or cashier's check, must accompany the bid. A bidder may submit a bid on all or any portion of the allotment in accordance with ASCS Regulations. Ail bids and final sale are subiect to approval by Research Triangle Foundation of North Carolina. For bid forms and further information, contact Ned E.
Huffman, or Elizabeth J. Aycock, at (919) 549-8181, P.O. Box 12255, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709. 118 Timberland Timber WANT TO BUY standing timber and good grade pine logs. Beasley Lumber Products, Scotland Neck, NC 826-4121, or 826-4203.
WANTED TO BUY pine and hardwood timber. GATTIS LEE, Clayton, N.C. 553-6720. TIMBERLAND for sale 75.3 acres, 1980 feet of road front on NC 11. Good stand young pine.
Public auction Martin County Courthouse, Williamston, NC 12 noon, Friday, November 18, 1983. Contact Peel and Peel, Attorneys 792-3115. FOR SALE 100 acres of timberland 5 miles N. of Jacksonville, NC. Onslow County.
704-524- 4771. WANTED 25,000 lb. tobacco allotments, $1.00 per lb. Call 552- 2854. TIMBER SALE Good clearcut 30 Bentonville Township, Johnston County, N.C.
Owner reserves right to reiect any bids. Sale by sealed bids due before December 3, 1983. For information, contact: Philip C. Shaw, Attorney Box 25, Four Oaks. N.C.
27524 (919) 963-2062 119 Livestock ORSEBACK.R Riding. Riding Horses lessons. Stables 832-8729, 782-9830. HORSE Transportation will go anywhere. 782-9830, 781-1504.
AQHA MARE 8 super use pleasure, won AQHA show 3 638-8011 ext. 269, before 5 pm. Ext. 301 aft. 5 pm.
No bad habits, reas. price. REG. Appaloosa gelding, 7 yrs old, exc. individual, Western and English, white roan, brown spots, 15.2h.
467-3377. BEAUTIFUL solid black QH stallion, 2 yrs old, green broke. 553-5049. ARABIAN MARE 10 yrs. old, very broke, $800.
Arabian gelding vrs. old, reg. greenbroke, BAY MARE best offer or will trade. 469-3522. '79 CHEV.
Crew Cab Dooley, loaded, 4 horse Rustler along with other used trucks and trailers. Several good horses for sale. 919-362-4087. ENGLISH HUNT CAPS, Boots, bridles, $16.95 each. PAT'S SADDLE SHOP 772-1615.
123 Farm Products 119 Livestock Smithfield, N.C. LIVESTOCK State graded CO. feeder pig sale every Tuesday 2pm. Cattle and hog sales every Thursday at 2pm. Unloading from 6-12.
We appreciate your business. Call 934-0157, 934-8090, QUALITY GILTS, York, Landraise, N.C. Validated Herd No. 193. Pseudorabies free.
Lane's Swine Farm. Dover, NC 527- 1891, 523-8444, 527-1237. PUREBRED YORKSHIRE BOARS AND GILTS. NCSU performance tested. Days 220 lbs.
Qual. Pseudorabies and brucellosis free herd. THAD PENDER ALAN SHARP 919. 235-3786, 235-4106. REG.
HAMPSHIRE Boars, gilts. T. Warren Sharp; George T. Sharp. 235-3651; 235-4107.
FOR LEASE 16,5 stall walking horse (racking horse) facility. $4000 mo potential. Tax deductible business. 919-528- 0282. HORSE and Wagon Rides, by hour or day, prearranged weekend trips, 772-4307, 772-4314.
YR. OLD Morgan horse. Good beginner or nice trail type horse. Call 1-752-1370 day, 1-752- 9914 nights. 5 GAITED HORSE, American Saddlebred.
Blaze face, 2 stockings. This horse is a good Saturday night horse for any person wants to show. 1-752-1370 day, 1 752-9914 nights. 1 THOROUGHBRED type horse, 16 hands, 8 yrs. old.
Exc. for beginner. 1-752-8405 day, 1-752-9914 nights, $1500. READY TO SHOW 6 vr geld iumps 2nd level Dressage $2500. 872-7703 eves.
NOVEMBER SPECIAL Horse wormer, buy one get one free 8 brands limit of 6 doses per customer. Winter blankets $27p style 1012, Tarheel Saddlery, Wake Forest 556-2156. LARGEST selection between. Richmond and Atlanta, English and Western riding equipment. Priced to sell.
Harris Auction Co. Gen'l Store, Satterwhite Rd. Henderson, Nc 438-7421. SPOT and gilts, Val. 2, Carson Gregory 897-8647.
6 YR. OLD horse mule, A broke to work, weighs 750-800 lbs. $750. 897-6491. MIN.
HORSES, 3 colts, 2 fillys. Contact Sam Floyd, (919) 739- 6076 or 739-7343. CATCH THE JUDGES EYE. Reg. Q.H.
15.2 metallic bay 5 yrs. old. very versatile and willing. Exc. bloodlines.
Call Cathy, 781-4906. REG. QUARTER HORSES, complete disbursal, $500 up. 1- 376-3485. REG.
TENNESSEE WALKER 6 mos. old, World Champion breeding. Midnight Sun, Merry Go Boy, 1 filly, 2 stallions, $400 and $600. Call O. W.
Bone 537- 4997. ARAB. gelding, 3 yrs. gentle, large. 847-7092.
ONE 4 yr. old black stallion reg istered with Tennessee Walking Horse Assoc. One 4 yr. old black mare, registered also. She is the direct grandaughter of Midnight Sun.
298-3248. PUREBRED DUROC SERVICE AGE BOARS, qualified pseudorabies and brucellosis free herd. Same breeding has our champion at NC State Fair and our pigs at N.C. Swine Test Station, NORMAN DENNING, Route 1, Four Oaks, NC. 689- 2527.
SADDLEBRED 16.12 hands, 3 gaited pleasure horse, has been shown successfully for past 3 yrs, 8 yrs old. 919-266-2200. 3 YR OLD green Appaloosa filly, Cherry Bay, sire Kim Too. dame. Bay Bee's Tammy Cat $800.
Dairy goats, NC State Fair Winners, reg. Alpines. 919-326- 4015. REG. black Angus Bull, 3 yrs.
2 heifers, 9 mos. 787-2959. POLED Semmental purebred, Reg. cow, almost black, exc. conformation and bred 834-0001.
REG. Appaloosa weanlings, Christmas horses. 467-1539. HUNTER PONIES, 1 very fancy 5 yr old, 1 part Arab. 7 vr.
old. Both are 14h mares. Call Durham 688-1982. USED TexTan saddle and other tack. 772-4315.
QUALITY CROSS BRED GILTS34 York, 14 Landrace. Purebred Yorkshire Commercial. Validated herd no 193. Pseudorabies free. We deliver.
LANE'S SWINE FARM. RI 1 Box 332, Dover, NC 28526. 527-1891. 523- 8444, 527-1239. CATTLE and Hog Auctions, Gus Lancaster Stockyards, Inc.
Rocky Mount. Every Tues. and Fri. Feeder Pig Auctions every Mon. in Rocky Mount.
and Wed in Dunn 442-3124, 442-3125. HAMPSHIRE AND Chesterwhite boars. Call Oland, Peele, (919) 242-4944, Pikeville. ERNEST and ROBERT HALL 28th Consecutive Hamp York Sale 7PM Monday Dec. 12 1983 Lenoir County Livestock Arena, Kinston, N.C.
For catalog write or call Ernest Hall, Route 2, Box 280, Jacksonville, N.C. 28540. Phone 347-1954. HOLSTEIN HERD AND FARM EQUIP. of A.B.
VanMetre of Disputanta, VA Cattle and Equip. to be moved to The Udder Place Amelia for the Sale AUCTION November 23rd Wednesday 10:30 a.m. 65 Cows and Heifers Also 38 Close Springing or Fresh Heifers Full Line of Farm Equipment to follow Cattle Sale incl. 5 tractors, 2 combines, 3 peanut combines, 2 trucks, wagons, disc plows and many more items For Detailed Brochure Contact OWNBY AUCTION REALTY INC. 1417 Brook Rd.
Richmond, VA Tele. 804-644-LAND License No. 691 ERNEST and ROBERT HALL 123 Farm Products We Want To Buy PIK COTTON Also New Crop Cotton Cotton Marketing Service Inc. Agents for Weil Brothers Est. 1878 Lynn Anderson, Ray King P.O.
Drawer 100 East St. James St. Tarboro, NC 27886 823-7171 1976 CO1 150 PA! gri PU Yo No bri fie 30 Sox YO Bo ed Jr POI an ALI do' 915 AGI Hv 285 FOI ha ALI ra CEl ler LI CE er 6a PE ra 55 OR CO Mc les To K3 Se pli 3 2.