The Commercial-Mail from Columbia City, Indiana (2024)

March 20, 1952 COLUMBIA CITY Page Eight 200,000 cattle and 400,000 sheep with starvation. Truman Continued from Page 1 Southwestern North Dakota was still snowbound and a federal en gineer recommended an allotment of $100,000 to clear several hundred miles of roads to striken families. said, It can be used 'as a jumping off place for other craft, saving them the trouble of reaching "escape velocity" before soaring into the cosmos. The astronomer said a space ship satellite could be used" for world-wide weather predictions scientific vacuum experiments, a radar beacon for navigators around the world and clearer observations of the universe by astronomers. The first nation to put a satellite rocket into space will control the earth, he predicted.

bout $200,000,000. The major problem is fuel. Dr. Levitt said the best fuel today Is a mixture of alcohol and liquid oxygen which could power a craft at a speed of two miles per second. That isn't fast enough, however, Dr.

Levitt said the ship must attain the speed of "escape velocity," which is seven miles per second, before it can break loose from earth's gravitational pull. Dr. Levitt said step rockets could provide the extra push for the ship to reach "escape velocity." Once that speed is attained, the ship would revolve around the earth like a satellite. Then, he Voyage To Moon Tough Problem Philadelphia (U.R) The moon, with all its romantic significance, is nothing but a great, big problem to scientists. The problem is how to reach it.

Dr. I. M. Levitt director of the Fels Planetarium in Philadelphia, has an idea on how to solve it. Speaking at a meeting of the Rit-tenhouse Astronomical Society, Dr.

Levitt said a rocket ship about 250 feet long and 75 feet in diameter, shaped like a cigart should do the job. The cost would be a- 5. He declined comment on the threatened steel strike but was awaiting word on current negotiation efforts by the Wage Stabilization Board. 6. He declined comment on any phase of "Mr.

President," the book by William Hillman published this week which stirred up Mr. Truman's old differences with former Secretary of State James F. Byrnes and ex-Secretary of Commerce Henry A. Wallace. 7.

He refused to discuss the current situation in Korea, sayiii he did not want to risk upsetting the applecart. The President fc months has followed a simiar i icy. Finest Ship Has hower, who showed imposing strength in New Hampshire and Minnesota Republican presidential preference primaries. The President's apparent complete rejection of McKinney's thesis that peace in Korea and Mr. Truman's plans for reelection were hooked together came as a surprise to newsmen.

Yesterdav, as be wound up three days of talks with the President, the chairman told in deail hovr he got the impression from the President that the Chief Executive Very Few Hunks Of Weed In Hsr Hull TRY OUR CLASSIFIEDS Bv Hnrman W. Nichols United Press Staff Correspondent Wnshlnfftnn. March 20. (UB shop, wiring and welding, or use of electrical tools. 4-H.

Club girls In this project will "see their home in a new light." An attractive handbook containing 22 recipes for living in a better lighted home and guides for care and use of appliances will help the girls plan their Farm Home Electric projects. Mr. James, reports that the emphasis has been changed in the clothing projects with much simpler garments suggested, for beginners. The high school girl is receiving more help in the selection of ready-made clothing. These changes have resulted from requests by leaders, Mr.

James says. Likewise, the food preservation project is in step with 1952 and more girls will be freezing food? for the home freezers although attention will still be given to good canned products. Girls who have had four years of baking will find a new adventure in the fancy breads classes. This exhibit held the spotlight at the 1951 Indiana State Fair 4-H Club exhibit. Club members may receive assistance In choosing projects from either leaders or county extension agents.

Enrollment In the county Dalr; Club is still open to those wh have senior calves. A senior ra is one born between July 1, 19' mcls, jum x.ijaik'rrift'SSt 1 1 ii The finest ship this country ever would not run again if a peace settlement is achieved fairly soon. Asked whether McKinney accur Whitley County 4-H Members Should Be Choosing Projects Now is the time for Whitley County's club members to choose their 1952 projects, according to Earl A. James, Ass't County agent. Club projects have kept pace with changes on the farm and in the home in recent years with the establishment of a number of new projects and some major developments in those of long standing.

One of the fastest growing projects, is the Live-Power Program in Tractor Maintenance. In 1951; 2,944 club members enrolled. Whitley County was one of approximately 80 counties in Indiana to conduct a tractor rodeo. The rodeo was a feature of the 4-H Faijr when 17 boys competed. The boys hot only demonstrated their skill-' in maneuvering tractors around obstacles but took an examination on tractor care.

Another fast growing field for both boys and girls is the Farm Home Electric project-emphasizing better methods in trie use of electricity for both the home and on the farm. The project is a "natural" for demonstration and many ideas can be shown on the care and use of appliances in the home, construction of motors, employment of electricity in the work- built has very tew nunKs ot wood aboard her. Specifically, the butcher's chopping block and a couple of pianos. ately reflected his views, the Pres ident without mentioning the W1HMM Thnt'a the word from the Mari time nriminlKtratinn and the U. S.

chairman's name said twice that Korea did not enter into the politics of the nation and was without any bearing on his own nlans. Lines, which collaborated in put ting the S. S. united states Asked what he thought of Eisen hower as a politician, the President The United States will be mostly steel and will cost around said he was speaking about the General only as a military man and that he was not interested in $70,000,000. Launched last year, she will be on the high seas in the early summer.

The idea about no wood is very lennihle indeed. Steel doesn't burn. Even the toilet seats are of non-inflammable plastic. The United States Lines purchasing department is shopping around for checker boards that won't attract a flame: and January 1, 1952. There will be about 30 of these aboard.

It's Spring Again! Some of the samples which have been submitted are a departure (mm the usual kinds, which, as voil Eisenhower's political plans. As for Eisenhower's military assignment, Mr. Truman said that in his book he thought he was doing a very able job. Other Developments 1. He said he had never seen a truly open political convention and that the 1952 Democratic convention and that the 1952 Democratic convention certainly would not be open tf he decides to run 2.

Told that McKinney hoDed for some definite word fromJiirn by May 15, the President said bluntly that he would- set. his own date. 3. Newbold Morris will remain on the job as head of the investigation of the corruption-in-govern-ment although the Senate Judiciary Committee refused to give him subpena powers. The President said he still thought Morris needed the powers to do a proper Check our prices against any in town.

Satisfy By United Press It's Spring Again. The new season officially arrived at 10.14 a.m. (CST) when the sun yourself. know, are made of red and black squares. The samples without any paper or wood are of contrasting shades of gray.

The new vessel is being fitted for her maiden voyage right now crossed the equator into the north ern hemisphere. ni ID Rrrrn Fn fiA5 A LIBBY FRUIT at Newport News, Va. HARTLEX CHUNK PINEAPPLE Originally she was designee; as a 25c No 2 Cans WILL TURN THE TIDE, THE COLD WITHIN THEN GOES OUTSIDE 35c No 2Vi Cans co*ckTAIL troop ship. Then along came the war In Korea and there was a wait in doa if ahe wnuld be needed im But snows, threats of flood, a state of emergency In the snowbound far west remained to show the winter was nowhere near ready to let go its hold on some parts of the nation. far west caught the worst of winter's stubborn refusal to give way to the infant spring.

Gov. John W. Bonner, of Montana, said President Truman has declared an 8,000,000 acre area in eastern Montana a "disaster area" mediately. It became apparent she Job. wouldnt.

Kn the outfitting for pas 4. He has not received a request from ai-House subcommit BUTTERFIELD senger service began. But, the de Can HH ViJiirill Cleaner 45c $J29 tee for permission to look at the income tax returns of Attorney General J. -Howard McGrath. He said otato Sticks DCMIT7IT Super No 2'2 Cans 1JL11U11 Cleaner Gal he would decide this case after signers tell me tnat it wouio db oui matter of days before the United States could be dragged off the waves and reconverted for troop-carrying if the need arises.

There have been stories about eligible for $25,000 in federal funds. receiving the request. UT A 1 171 ETM For Walls and HH the money we had to pay to rent Woodwork i SUNKIST FROZEN Orange Juice 2 6 oz Cans U. Ruff the "Queens the Ellzabetn ana the Marv from Britain during the 21c 39c 10c and 11 Upholster Cleaner war. They did us a lot of good) The money would De used to clear snowbound roads.

A state of emergency was proclaimed in Nevada by Gov. Charles Russell as parlyzing blizzards pounded the state with what was called "the worst winter In 60 years." So far, the accumulation of snow reached1 a record-breaking 71 feet at the Sierra snow laboratory at Soda Springs, California in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Russell said the snows threatened but the government estimates tnai the rental of those mighty vessels ted tii a lot more than the Little Elf WINDOW CLEANER Pt fiiunt Tifif! 75o Box $70,000,000 price tag on our new 2 first lady of the seas. the Si United States will be a luxurious vessel. For one U.

A AJAA Powder Pillsbury Cake pixes 33c a mm ami a tt'HiTF CHOCOLATE GOLDEN PILLSBURY LIS AlUMUIlli Cans27c at 13c Box 39c thing there will be an air-conditioned campartment for dogs. Also, there will be dog-doctor aboard to fix sore dog-nails, busted legs or a 1 rnu water mw "jfjH" HILLS BROS I SOFTENER 89c Public health it Coffe Vacuum Packed BON AMI POWDER 17c lb to smoke out painiut cases oi canine bellyache. And as for sea-sickness, the builders claim there shouldn't be any. But that remains to be seen. I've been aboard ship when even the crew stuck a neck over the side.

nriifl in ri Aiicrn on HALVES recan Meats boc nnTHLs pins "Mr 23c Must Have Been really the health of many individ uals. Partly, it is yew health. And because of this, your physician z. inescapably finds himself shouldering a public health responsibility, for he ii charged with maintaining your health. It is a responsibility your" doctor willingly ac- 1 cepts.

And the Prescription Department of our Rexall Drug Store, By assisting and cooperating with your doctor, also is proud to accept some responsibility in helping maintain your health. Quite A Party fhlmffn. March 20 U.R Ed GOLDEN ward Rolek, 32, was winding up a ea49c Roiis 25c AVAL0N SPONGES WALDORF SJ? celebration early today in a uvem. lbs Broun Sugar 1 The crowd was noisy. About i a.m., Rolek, who is mina.

leu Daln In his leg, but he didn't pay When your doctor gives you a prescription, brjfig it much attention to It. The tavern closed at 4 a.m. ana Ik TOUrf xxxxx Ponlird Sugar 2 Rolek went home. When the mem lbs ,7, CUTRITE raper 25c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES! 9 What do you look for in a drug store? Reputable prescription work? A convenient place to buy health and beauty aids? Whatever you look for, you will find to perfection at Meyers Si Stickler's because ours is i drug store by any and every measure of service. We bend our entire efforts toward making our store the finest and most complete drug store in this community.

Won't you help us by coming in for all your drug store needs and services? bers of his family saw him he was rushed to South Shore Hospital. Doctors said a .38 caliber bullet was imbedded in his leg. Rolek said he never realized it was there. FRESH and CURED MEATS! SHELLEY STEMEN CO. Upplss 2 lie Cblorodent Toothpaste 69o Faativth Dental Powder 7.

59o FLORIDA JUICE Ipana Tooth Paste, giant 63c Dr. West Flexite Tooth Brush 59c Colgate Dental Cream, giant 63c lav fig TONIGHT FRIDAY Shows at 7:00 9:00 Med Size Doz fans ALL-BEEF Hamburger 45c BEEF Mb Steaks tender lb UbU BEEF Pot Roast ib 59c SMOKED Picnics sr mm Chocolatt Covered A Great Country for FLORIDA PINK grapefruit 5 37c CEEAilfl-CSL KAIR TONIC 1 for liquid Centers MARKYINCj! 50 Poind ex 4 ei. Sze SI FANCY EMPEROR Crapss 2 ibs 21 WW 200 husband-hungry iris, Mking a hitun torgM- ting a put btwiug ttuold dangers! Southern Rose Hair Dressing 25e WIZARD Aqua Velva After Shave 59c WICK Burma Shave, 4 oz. tube 40c DEODORIZER Mennen Skin bracer S9c Kills Household Odors Gillette Blue Blades, 20's 98e M-C-M presents 4b 49c PASCAL CELERY IS 29c 25c BUTTON RADISHES 2 19c ff END CUT PORK CHOPS YOUNG PORK LIVER FRESH PORK SIDE -urn mm rm wmmm 1 IB auS Uf VaUi mi Jl i I lh lb 39c FRESH ENDIVE 1 ABDOL with vitamin 100 $2.98 Squibbs Brewers Yeast Tablets, 1000 $2.49 Upjohn Unicaps 100 $3.11 Vl-Daylin 8 Ounces $2.39 Rybutol 100 $5.95 ROBERT TAYLOR j' Denise Darcel Add 20 Tax To All Cosmetics '7 i hi Ha JJ Hope Emerson. John McIntire f1 121109 iii4niSwMBii -m ttlANItCAfM William A.


The Commercial-Mail from Columbia City, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.