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SpongeBob SquarePants: Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (Main) | Movies: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie / Sponge Out of Water / Sponge on the Run / Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie | Spin-offs: Kamp Koral (s1, s2) / The Patrick Star Show (s1, s2, s3) | Specials: SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout, The Tidal Zone
SpongeBob SquarePants (1999-) is an animated TV series, airing on Nickelodeon about the adventures and endeavors of the title character and his various friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom. It spawned a movie, followed by several short films, and video games.
Episode 1
Single-Celled Defense [14.1a]
- Sandy: Congratulations, Plankton. But remember, this technique is to be used [points] strictly for self-defense.
- Plankton: Oh, of course, Sensei Sandy. [leans in] Uh, wink? [takes off gi] Buh-bye! [laughs]
- [Sandy stares ahead with a blank expression.]
- SpongeBob: Uh, Sandy? [zoom out to show Sandy standing on him] Could you give me a ride to the hospital?
- Sandy: Whoops! [steps off him] Oh, sure, SpongeBob. Heh-heh.
- Mr. Krabs: Bad news for you, Plankton. [gets closer to Plankton's face] I don't have any feet!
- Plankton: [stunned] You what? [A close-up on Mr. Krabs' feet is shown, but they are very messy. The right foot has plasters and grease, while the left foot has barnacles and grease. A foghorn plays in the background.] Just my luck, I guess.
- Plankton: [sighs] Six to eight weeks before I can attack the Krusty Krab again. Oh, well. At least I'm not in traction anymore. [a wheelchair wheel rolls over him] Augh!
- [Sandy is pushing a bandaged SpongeBob in a wheelchair.]
- SpongeBob: Oh, boy! Only six to eight weeks before I can work at the Krusty Krab again! [Sandy pushes him forward]
- Plankton: Ouch! Ka-ra-tay is a pain in the-- [gets squished against the road] ouch!
Buff for Puff [14.1b]
- Mr. Krabs: Hey there, ma'am. [raises sunglasses] Is this beach taken? [winks]
- Mrs. Puff: Oh, my. Eugene, you're so well-defined. [sees Mr. Krabs has left] Eugene?
- [Pan over to Mr. Krabs surrounded by cheering beachgoers.]
- Mr. Krabs: Take a look. [shows off muscles] These are called gains, people. [flexes butt] Yeah. [strains]
Episode 2
We Heart Hoops [14.2a]
SpongeChovy [14.2b]
- Realistic Fish Head: [off-screen; the words slide on screen] Breaking News. [the words shatter]
- Gale Doppler: I'm Gale Doppler with the big weather. And I'd like to report it's sunny skies for Bikini Bottom. But not today, [a map of the ocean slides behind him] cause there's a storm warning coming at ya. [an animated image group of faux-chovies is shown] We got a gust of faux-chovies coming in from the southwest. Now with [pokes his eye] a closer look, here's our man on the street, Rube Goldfish!
- Rube: Thanks, Gale! I'm here with the faux-chovies that are causing all this meep-abaloo. Now I just have to ask the question everyone wants to know. What in the world does "meep" mean? [The faux-chovies surround circle Rube and turn him into a faux-chovy. rises from the middle of the circle] A-meep-ing!
- Gale Doppler: Haha, thanks Rube! So if you don't wanna turn into an anchovy today, you're advised to stay indoors until that faux-chovy pressure system [pushes the faux-chovy group image] moves away. Haha. [the image comes back] Huh? [the image jumps at Gale] Whoa! [he falls down and when he gets up, he has the shape of a faux-chovy and his eyes become strabismus] Haha, meep!
- Hans: [opens the roof to the Krusty Krab and meeping is heard, and he has a box of pizza] Pizza delivery!
- Anchovies and faux-chovies: Huh? [they move out of the way and the box drops in the middle of them]
- Anchovies: Pizza?! [runs away back to the bus and it drives away]
- Faux-chovies: [smells the pizza] Mmmmm!
- SpongeBob: Mmmm, that smells good! [turns back into himself] Boing!
- [Everyone else turns back into themselves.]
- Mr. Krabs: [walks to SpongeBob] Phew! I thought we'd never snap out of that faux-chovy thing!
- SpongeBob: Sorry, Mr. Krabs! I didn't realize how easy it is to get swept up into a meep mentality!
- Mr. Krabs: It's not your fault, boy-o. We're just lucky that pizza is the anchovies' natural enemy!
- Rube: Yeah, whoever ordered that pie saved our lives! [he, Lady Upturn, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl open the box of pizza]
- SpongeBob: And we shouldn't let it go to waste! [Patrick rubs his palms together] It's still hot!
- Patrick: Oh-ho-ho-ho! [runs to the box and picks up a slice, walks away, and it falls on him] What? No anchovies?
Episode 3
BassWard [14.3a]
- Squidward: Thanks for the ride!
- Bubble Bass: [holding up egg salad sandwich] And the egg salad sandwiches. [shoves the sandwich into his mouth]
- Old Man Jenkins: You folks are lucky! I was just heading into the city to pick up the new Farmer's Almanac!
- Bubble Bass: To celebrate, I think I will have another one of those sandwiches. [reaches down into his seat]
- Squidward: Whoa! You just ate!
- Bubble Bass: I can almost reach. [plane bends]
- Squidward: Whoa!
- [The plane forms a crack in the middle.]
- Old Man Jenkins: Stop shaking the plane or I'll pull this thing right over! [The plane breaks in half, and the back half with Squidward and Bubble Bass falls off.] Thank you. Much better.
Squidiot Box [14.3b]
- Squidward: [opens door] Hey! [walks over to yell] Get off my sand! [falls into box] Whoa! [thumping and yelling] What's happening? Where am I?
Episode 4
Blood is Thicker Than Grease [14.4a]
Don't Make Me Laugh (featuring Marion Ross) [14.4b]
Episode 5
Momageddon [14.5a]
- Margaret: [humming] Order up for Old Man Jenkins. One Krabby Patty with crust removed and one side salad.
- Old Man Jenkins: I ordered fries, not a salad!
- Margaret: The fries are in the salad.
- Old Man Jenkins: Okay, I'll try it. [takes it] But only 'cause I'm so hungry. [tastes it, spins around and is now wearing a kid outfit] Aha!
- Customers: Ooh!
- Old Man Jenkins: It reminds me of my mother's cooking when I was but a boy. I'm filled with childish glee! [giggles and skips away]
Pet the Rock (featuring Malcolm McDowell) [14.5b]
- [The scene bubble wipes to SpongeBob walking Gary to the pet park. He shows Gary to a guard.]
- Guard: [removes sunglasses] Huh. Alright, go on through. [SpongeBob and Gary walk into the park, then Patrick walks to the entrance. stops Patrick with his hand while in a goofy position] Hold it right there! I'm gonna need to see some proof of pet.
- Patrick: Of course! [holds up his "pet," which is just a rock]
- Guard: [takes off his sunglasses] That's a rock.
- Patrick: Yeah! His name is Rolly!
- Guard: I don't see how this thing is a pet?
- Patrick: [tosses Rolly onto the guard's face] Oh, here! Take a closer look! [Rolly rolls off the guards face, and the guard falls down.]
- Guard: Oh, yes, he's adorable! Go right in! [face falls flat]
Episode 6
Tango Tangle (featuring Rosie Perez) [14.6a]
- Karen: Wow, your hips are so hip. You got your work cut out for you, Sheldon.
- Plankton: My hips can't do that.
- Suzie: Of course they can. You got to force them to do it. [holds onto Plankton and Karen] The tango is physical, [dances with Karen] emotional, and most importantly, [pushes the two out of the way] aggressive.
- Plankton and Karen: What?
- Plankton: Aggressive? [grinning evilly with Karen] Now you're talking my language.
- Karen: Yeah, we speak fluent aggression.
- Suzie: Good. Tap into that aggression and put it in your [flexes arm] hips. Now, abrazo. [slams hands together] Embrace!
- Plankton and Karen: [grabbing onto each other] Abrazo.
Necro-Nom-Nom-Nom-I-Con [14.6b]
- Evil Witch: [reading the directions on Mr. Krabs' cookbook] A cup of milk? Two eggs? A loaf of bread? And kelp sugar? Eh, all right. [puts the ingredients in a cauldron] Shoo. [a plate of French toast floats up] French toast? [taps her wand in the green substance and hash browns, quiche, and huevos rancheros float up] Hash browns? Quiche? Huevos rancheros? What the heck? What's wrong with this blasted spellbook? [grabs the cookbook and reads the name] "Uncle Jimmy's Breakfast Magic"? It's a cookbook! Oh... I better find out who got my spell book, and fast. [the plate of quiche bumps into her arm] Huh? Right [the wand transforms into a fork] after I finish my quiche.
- [Bubble transition back to inside the Krusty Krab, where the customers are still in the breakfast transformations with SpongeBob, Squidward, and Mr. Krabs in worry.]
- Squidward: Why is this happening?
- SpongeBob: Maybe all the weird stuff I've been cooking caused all of this. [Squidward looks at him unamused, and SpongeBob chuckles nervously] Would explain the [the Necronomicon book flies out the order window] cauldron too. [points to the Necronomicon flying] And the flying cookbook.
- [The cookbook flies to the front of the restaurant and emits a green light, which grabs various breakfast items to create a body.]
- SpongeBob: [as the cookbook forms the items into a body]'" The cookbook is using tasty breakfast treats to create a monster!
- [The cookbook roars and everyone in the restaurant screams. The Evil Witch appears with a purple cloud emit.]
- Evil Witch: Oh, so this is where my spell book went.
- [The breakfast monster kicks barrels and a table away, breaks off another table and throws it at SpongeBob, Squidward, and Mr. Krabs - which they duck.]
- Mr. Krabs: Ooh, a customer! Take her order, Squidward.
- Evil Witch: Uh, thanks, but I couldn't eat another bite! [belches] I'm here to swap books with ya. I think my spell book got mixed with your cookbook.
Episode 7
PL-1413 [14.7a]
- Future Karen: [phases through the Chrome Bucket as a chrome orb] Sheldon, welcome home.
- Plankton: Karen, is that you? I see you've had some work done.
- Future Karen: Uh-huh. And that's not the only work I've been doing.
- Plankton: Ooh. [rubbing hands] Have you completed some kind of deadly destructive robot?
- Future Karen: Negative. [displays an easel] I have been working on my art pieces. [sprays a gray background with two squiggly lines] I'm quite successful, in fact. [A couple appears.]
- Wife: Oh, honey, [pointing] this would match the couch in the living room.
- Husband: We'll [holds up chrome money] take it. [Future Karen takes the money, then the couple walk off with the painting]
In the Mood to Feud [14.7b]
- Pa Narwhal: [pointing] Say, man, is that pink city slicker with you? [Patrick is sucking up an entire tree, swallows, and sighs to let out a bumble jelly] He sure is brave.
- SpongeBob: Brave?
- Ma Narwhal: Yup. The only reason the bumble jellies let us collect their jelly is because we allow 'em to sting us. [knocks over her husband, laughs]
- Sandy: You let them sting you?
- Ma Narwhal: [shows off her sting-covered arm] Darn tootin'!
Episode 8
Mooned! [14.8a]
- Kevin: I'm not really sure about you [fixes his glasses] finally catching your own jellyfish, SpongeBob.
- SpongeBob: I'll catch a jellyfish, [holds his net to the sky] no matter how it'll take! I'm gonna become the new leader of the Jellyspotters!
Hysterical History [14.8b]
Kreepaway Kamp [14.9-14.10]
- [Bubble transition to SpongeBob, Patrick, and Sandy, wearing backpacks, leaving the treedome.]
- Patrick: Oh, boy, I can't wait to go back to Kamp Koral!
- SpongeBob: Yeah, but how are we gonna get there? My unicycle's in the shop.
- Sandy: Well--
- Patrick: I know! We could prance!
- SpongeBob: Oh, boy! I haven't pranced in ages!
- [They take each other's hands, sing, and start skipping. SpongeBob grabs Sandy's hand and she joins in. Shortly after, they are stopped by a bus arriving. Krabs comes out.]
- Krabs: Just get on the bus.
- SpongeBob: Oh, yeah, the bus.
- Patrick: [mumbling]
- Sandy: Yeah, I do suppose that makes sense.
- [They get on the bus. It drives past a "You Are Now Leaving Bikini Bottom" sign. Tall Tail runs behind.]
- Tall Tail: [panting] Wait for me, dudes!
- [SpongeBob looks over at everyone on the bus and imagines them as their younger Kamp Koral selves.]
- Bubble Bass: And that's why Barnacle Boy, with both hands... [anchovies meeping]
- Anchovies: [meeping]
- Chovy: Moop moop moop.
- Craig and Larry: [laughing]
- Patrick: [opens the window, sticks his tongue out]
- Sandy: [pulls him back inside, his tongue wraps around his head]
- Patrick: [laughing]
- [Mr. Krabs still looks very old.]
- Krabs: What are you looking at, boy-o? [fades into his present-day outfit, but still looks old]
- SpongeBob: [admiring] [sighs] You haven't changed a bit since camp, Mr. Krabs. [walks out to the front of the bus, waves] Greetings, fellow campers! [pulls pants up] I'd like to personally thank whoever invited us to the big reunion! So, [swings hand] who was it?
- Bus riders: [overlapping chatter] Not me!
- Krabs: Oh, well. We're sure to know when we get there. Next stop, Kamp Money!
- [The bus riders stare at him with blank expressions.]
- Mrs. Puff: Eugene!
- Krabs: I mean, [leans forward] Kamp Koral!
- [Everyone on the bus cheers. Tall Tail is now riding on top of it.]
- Tall Tail: Yeah! Whoo!
- [Bubble transition to the bus arriving in front of camp. Everyone steps out.]
- SpongeBob: [takes out a picture, which shows a CGI scene at Kamp Koral] Ah, good old Kamp Koral. [lowers it to see the sign collapsed] It seems different somehow.
- Patrick: [points to the sign] Looks like they changed the name to Ka-Ka.
- Mrs. Puff: [over a pan to the camp in disrepair] Well, I must say, the place has really gone to pot.
- [Pearl and Bubble Bass walk forward.]
- Sandy: [shakes fist] Well, I think someone is pulling a fast one with this reunion.
- Krabs: [baby talking to nickel] Don't listen to her, little nickel. We'll find your friends soon. [puts the map under his armpit and tiptoes away]
- Pearl: [struggles to exit a cabin] This place is, like, way smaller than I remember.
- Bubble Bass: [pushes up glasses] It's not smaller. You're just bigger. But it is a lot crummier. [leans against a barrel, which breaks] Agh!
- Pearl: [laughs]
Snow Yellow and the Seven Jellies [14.11]
Episode 12
The Dirty Bubble Bass [14.12a]
- Dirty Bubble: Yes! I'm free!
- Bubble Bass: The Dirty Bubble!
- Dirty Bubble: You chewing that crusty gum has freed me from Mermaid Man's bubblegum trap! What's your name, my bulbous buddy?
- Bubble Bass: B-B-Bubble Bass?
- Dirty Bubble: What a perfect name for my new sidekick. Or should I say, in-sidekick? [swallows Bubble Bass and the tub whole, then spits out the tub, screaming, stretching in the Dirty Bubble] Let me out! [laughs as he retracts to fit Bubble Bass' shape] Oh! As a reward for releasing me, you're my new partner in crime.
- 'Mama Bass: [opens bathroom door while holding a basket of laundry] What's going on in--? Huh? Bubble Bass! You're even filthier than before you took a bath!
- Bubble Bass: It's not my fault, Mother. I'm trapped inside this foul felon!
Sheldon SquarePants [14.12b]
- SpongeBob: I'm ready to share my deepest, most secretest secret! I swore I'd never tell it to anyone. Oh, but I'm nervous. Could you go first?
- Plankton: Of course. Anything for my brother. Eh.... I put on a gruff exterior because I don't want the world to hurt me. But deep down, I'm afraid I'll push everyone away and end up alone.
- SpongeBob: [is sad, but calms down] Well, thanks very much for sharing that, little brother! Now it's my turn. [inhales deeply] No one is supposed to know this, but... but...
- Plankton: Yes? [holds out pen and notepad] Yes?!
- SpongeBob: My tie! It's... [rips his necktie off revealing a clip underneath] A CLIP-ON!!!
- Plankton: I knew it! ...Wait, what?
- SpongeBob: I never learned how to tie a tie! Look at it! Look at it! Look your eyes upon my accursed shame! [hyperventilates; calms down] Whew, sure felt good to get that off my chest.
- [pause]
- Plankton: That's it? THAT'S YOUR SECRET!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!??
- SpongeBob: Yep, that was it! Wait, are you upset?
- Plankton: You're darn right I am! You were supposed to tell me the secret formula! Nobody cares about your tie!
- SpongeBob: The secret formula? That's what you wanted to hear? Oh, I can't share that! It's locked in my brain box.
- Harold: Well, the only thing responsible parents can do--making our child someone else's problem. [places Plankton in the basket, then he and Margaret take off]
- SpongeBob: [waving] Bye, Plankton. I really liked having you as a brother.
- Plankton: Yeah, well, I hated every minute--
- [Harold puts a pacifier in his mouth, which he sucks on, Margaret places Plankton in the basket in front of the Star family house, rings the doorbell, then he and Margaret quickly leave]
- Bunny: [answers the front door with Cecil] Why, look, Cecil! It's a baby boy.
- Cecil: Fantastic! I've always wanted our son to have a brother. Oh, Patrick!
- Patrick: [opens the top window and jumps out of it, taking Plankton with him] All right! Let's play checkers! [spits out a checkerboard and hits Plankton against the board repeatedly] Checkers! Checkers! Checkers!
- Plankton: Ouch! Ow!
- Patrick: [giggles]
- Plankton: [injured] Oh, brother.
Sandy's Country Christmas (featuring Lewis Black, Johnny Knoxville, Grey Delisle, and Craig Robinson) [14.13]
- Tom Kenny as SpongeBob, French Narrator, Old Man Walker, Male Customer #2, Male Dancer #2, Dancers, Customers, Kid Beachgoer, Gym Bros, Beachgoers, Fans, Hoops, Gary, Sea Cow, Hans, Fifi, Faux-chovies, Anchovies
- Clancy Brown as Mr. Krabs, Male Customer #1, Gym Bros, Beachgoers, Fans, Snappy, Construction Guy, Faux-chovies, Anchovies
- Carolyn Lawrence as Sandy, Female Customer #1, Dancers, Customers, Female Beachgoer, Volleyball Girl, Beachgoers, Fans
- Mr. Lawrence as Plankton, Fred, Dancers, Customers, Larry the Lobster, Volleyball Guy, TV Announcer, Gale Doppler, Rube Goldfish, Anchovy Leader, Skater #2
- Dee Bradley Baker as Bubble Bass, Shady Guy, Male Dancer #1, Dancers, Customers, Craig Mammalton, Ajax Magee, Kids, Mailman
- Jill Talley as Karen, Lady, Customers
- Rodger Bumpass as Fondue Man, Gym Bros, Beachgoers, Fans, Squidward, Anchovy #1, Phone Repairman, Pizza Guy, Faux-chovies, Anchovies
- Mary Jo Catlett as Mrs. Puff, Puffy
- Sirena Irwin as Mo, Female Spotter, Beachgoers, Fans, Lady Upturn, Female Customer, Faux-chovies, Anchovies
- Bill Fagerbakke as Patrick, Kids, Skater #1, Faux-chovies, Anchovies
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- SpongeBob SquarePants seasons
- SpongeBob SquarePants